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Schinkn profile
I am creating Transformation/Corruption Illustrations, Comics and Animations :)

Планы подписки

USD в месяц
WIP Tier

I'm on vacation from January 1st till January 8th, there won't be any content during that timeframe, so keep that in mind before you pledge :)

What do I get?

-WIPs for all my projects

-1 month of early access to art and comic pages

-1 minute timelapses of my projects

15 подписчиков WIP Tier Member
USD в месяц
Generous WIP Tier

I'm on vacation from January 1st till January 8th, there won't be any content during that timeframe, so keep that in mind before you pledge :)

This is just a more generous option of the WIP Tier. If you think you have one extra dollar to spare and still want to get the benefits of the WIP Tier you can pledge for this one :)

Just to be sure: No extra content, it's just a more generous version of the WIP Tier!

2 подписчика Generous WIP Tier Member
USD в месяц
Poll Tier

I'm on vacation from January 1st till January 8th, there won't be any content during that timeframe, so keep that in mind before you pledge :)

Please read the schedule for the Fanart Poll before pledging to avoid you missing the suggestion or voting phases :)

What do I get?

Everything from the previous tier

+You can suggest one entry for a monthly fanart poll (2 characters max)

+The right to vote in polls I post

+High resolution dowloads of my drawings at the end of the month

+Longer Timelapses for all my projects

Schedule for this particular tier:

  1. 1st of the month: Suggestion Thread for the Monthly Fanart Poll gets posted (Deadline: 8th of the month)
  2. 9th of the month: Voting Poll for the Monthly Fanart Poll gets posted (Deadline: 13th of the month)
  3. Remaining month: Drawing of the Monthly Fanart Poll Winner
  4. Last day of the month: Downloadable files for the months drawn content get posted
15 подписчиков Poll Tier Member
USD в месяц
Generous Poll Tier

I'm on vacation from January 1st till January 8th, there won't be any content during that timeframe, so keep that in mind before you pledge :)

Please read the schedule for the Poll Tier before pledging to avoid you missing the suggestion or voting phases :)

This is just a more generous option of the Poll Tier. If you think you have one extra dollar to spare and still want to get the benefits of the Poll Tier you can pledge for this one :)

Just to be sure: No extra content, it's just a more generous version of the Poll Tier!

2 подписчика Generous Poll Tier Member
USD в месяц
Sequence Tier

I'm on vacation from January 1st till January 8th, there won't be any content during that timeframe, so keep that in mind before you pledge :)

Please read the schedule for the Fanart Poll/Sequence Poll before pledging to avoid you missing the suggestion or voting phases :)

What do I get?

Everything from the previous tiers

+You can suggest one entry for a monthly sequence poll (Fully shaded 4-step sequence with a simple background)

+Voting rights for the sequence poll

Schedule for this particular tier:

  1. 1st of the month: Suggestion Thread for the Monthly Sequence Poll gets posted (Deadline: 8th of the month)
  2. 9th of the month: Voting Poll for the Monthly Sequence Poll gets posted (Deadline: 13th of the month)
  3. Remaining month: Drawing of the Monthly Sequence Poll Winner
1 подписчик Sequence Tier Member
USD в месяц
Incredible Supporters

I'm on vacation from January 1st till January 8th, there won't be any content during that timeframe, so keep that in mind before you pledge :)

Please read the schedule for the Fanart Poll/Sequence Poll before pledging to avoid you missing the suggestion or voting phases :)

Everything from the previous tiers!

+Getting named in a custum "Incredible Supporters" list and below every picture I post on my devianart and on my devArt main page with a link to your website if you like :)

+You get to suggest a sketch you want to see colored each month for a "Colored Sketch Poll" and vote for the "Top Ten" which move onto the next round where all Patrons get to vote for their favorites. The top three gets colored :)

Schedule for this particular tier:

-1st of the month: I ask Incredible Supporters for one sketch they want to see colored. (Deadline: 4th of the month)

-5th of the month: This segment only happens when there are more than 10 suggestions, I will do a poll for Incredible supporters where their faves get voted. 10 proceed to the colored sketch poll. (Deadline: 8th of the month)

-9th of the month: The colored sketch poll gets posted for ALL SUPPORTERS, the top three of this one will get colored. (Deadline: 12th of the month)

Important! The picks that didn’t win on that colored sketch poll get another chance, means they automatically will get added to the next “Incredible Supporters” poll where 10 sketches get decided. That doesn’t mean that it would “clog” this Patrons suggestion slot though, they can suggest a new sketch each month, means that Patrons who didn’t win the poll that time have a higher chance of getting more suggestions in the final round next time.

Important to note is, that these loosing suggestions only get one more chance, after that they are gone for good (else I would have an ever growing list of sketch suggestions)

Thank you for your crazy amount of support, you are the best! <3

0 подписчиков Incredible Supporter


  • WIPs for everything + a week to a month of Early Access to my works
  • You can suggest Fanart/Sequence suggestions and vote for them on polls (certain tiers only)
  • Timelapses and HQ Downloads for my works (certain tiers only)
Displaying posts with tag February 2025.Reset Filter

🌟[Early Access] MSPW February 2025 - Tucker Edgerunner TG TF // ✏️[WIP] TACS 2 - Page 99 I Sketches

This post also includes Mega.NZ content links
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🎞️[Timelapse] February 2025 Content I Poll Tier Timelapses

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🎞️[Timelapse] February 2025 Content I WIP Tier Timelapses

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🌟[Early Access] Sketch Tier Sketches of February 2025

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $2.50, $3.50, $5, $6, $17.50, $23.50 .s
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✏️[WIP] MSPW February 2025 - Tucker Edgerunner TG TF I Shading + Sketch Tier Sketches 7-10 I Cleanup

This post also includes Mega.NZ content links
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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $2.50, $3.50, $5, $6, $17.50, $23.50 .s
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🌟[Early Access] MFPW February 2025 - Frieren and Fern Hyperbimbo TF + textless version // ✏️[WIP]...

This post also includes Mega.NZ content links
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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $2.50, $3.50, $5, $6, $17.50, $23.50 .s
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