A simple tip jar, nothing more. Pledge $1 per month to show your appreciation for my daily creative efforts on Spell... B-O-U-N-D.
A simple tip jar, nothing more. Pledge $1 per month to show your appreciation for my daily creative efforts on Spell... B-O-U-N-D.
An even bigger tip jar, or perhaps a cup of coffee. Pledge $3 per month to show your appreciation for my daily creative efforts on Spell... B-O-U-N-D.
The coffee comes with a cake. Thanks for breakfast. Pledge $5 per month to show your appreciation for my daily creative efforts on Spell... B-O-U-N-D.
Want to take me out to lunch? That's awesome! Pledge $10 per month to show your appreciation for my daily creative efforts on Spell... B-O-U-N-D.
We're entering gift territory now. You're amazing! Pledge $30 per month to show your appreciation for my daily creative efforts on Spell... B-O-U-N-D.