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Sex and Sex Again Revival - text based 2nd person choose your own game/story
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  • $3 (even once) will get you the full premium game once it's completed. It's estimated 1-2 million words or 1000's of pages with a pending 2025 schedule.

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Quick update with a few fixes here and there including Twin admire options.

Mega - Media - Filetransfer
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This is for new incoming people who are interested. There has been a considerable update to my game that may bring in an influx of people. I'm stepping up several aspects and wanted to push why what I'm making is worth reading. Just my thoughts but I need to sell the idea so bare with me.

No fuss, no subscriptions, no login, low commitment browser-based, time respecting gameplay, text based 2nd person AI imaged realistic robust sex game. Meaningful interactions, easy to read, multiple choices, interesting content, surprising secrets, great twists, unexpectedly wholesome, jesus approved, incest focused, time-based science fiction story. Cum meet the incestuous family you never knew you had with Jim, Judy, Fred, Abby, Kevin and Kelly and you. Lightly customizable with consensual and non consensual activities. Modular content adding layers of complexity. Come fantasize about a family that’s not your own. It’s just masturbation. Someone was bound to make it, it just so happens to be Icarus Dragon. So download and read for free or subscribe once at $3 during my $3 campaign and get the full premium product in an undetermined 2025 release date. The offer won’t last forever.
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Hi all,
Sorry it took a bit but complexity only goes up from here and that means it’ll take more time. I completed the generic interactions for all family members and it is quite robust already. It doesn’t include any sexual options yet but the direct, contextless sexual options will still be there until it’s connected. Get it below.
The hard part was creating meaningful interactions and setting pathways for continued story telling. As I said, I make all this up, no AI, just AI for photos. Everything CAN be just brushed over but the point is to simulate a healthy, happy, functional family and the many ways that they can interact. These interactions will compound later on and have further implications eventually. As I said, this is a ‘realistic’ portrayal and what I had before may have been too sexual. 
I may sound like a broken record but this is all very time consuming and I’m behind on technology and bills. If you haven’t already, consider pledging to subscribestar to expedite the game development process. I am a lone creator and the support of a few early pledgers can go a long way. If you like what you see and think it has potential, consider buying me a cup of coffee. If not, just wait then, a version of it will always be free although the actual premium product will have a cost
So what now? More of the same. I’m developing locations - their interactions and stories across all 6 family members. Not everyone is created equal although the idea is to have positive, neutral and negative interactions. Family members bicker, fight and get along. The idea is to have this all in there with high emotions at the end of the day which could conceivably lead to sex. Of course having everything take place over one day is unrealistic but repeating day magic-science story-telling glosses over that.
The release schedule will remain uncertain as it makes little sense to trickle in progress. It is both time consuming and inefficient for me to play public relations manager so I’ll stick to my emphasis before of: pay $3, wait till 2025. Since imagery costs money, I’m holding off on adding more until I get enough story structure to start generating bulk images. I’m working with developer cycles which has ranged to about 3 months or so. But that’s all from me, thanks! - Icarus
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Hi all,
I completed the drugged sex scene. It’s taken from the old game where you can slip Judy drugs and take advantage of her at night. I know it being condensed like this to just jump into the sexual action isn’t exactly riveting story telling or game play but once again, writing the encounters then building the game to point at them. That’s the idea at least. Either way, get it below:
So still trying to find funding. It’s hard because of the nature of what I’m writing. I’m pedaling an incest, rape game and you can’t just open a conversation like that. But a little history for the uninitiated, I used to read adult literary erotica, mostly written by random internet fellows on weird html and other websites. While waiting on a story to progress, I decided to write my own. What ended up as a 16 hour feverish writing session would make it’s way to become the beginnings of Marmota (meaning groundhog for repeating day) Nights focused heavily on Judy but was difficult to develop due to the website’s limitations at the time. And at about 15 threads in, if you gave a lot of choices, you’d have to write hundreds of filler options. Well, I became frustrated and reworked the game to Sex and Sex Again with some other engine. Had a few promising things but the amount of choices and threads I was going for would still be problematic so I gave up.
And caught up to now, Sex and Sex Again Revival - an updated reiteration - is being developed for a 2025 release date. It is a HTML role playing game and nothing quite like it exists. It’s very ambitious for one person to tackle, yet here I am. I have finally found my groove although it’s still going to require more trial and error than anyone would like. Either way, it’s going to happen but funding is an issue. I am using outdated hardware and software and everything else in between. I’ve only gone into full time development recently and am running a $3 campaign. One pledge of $3 on the subscribestar website will get you the fully imaged 2 million word game once it is completed.
To do some book math for you, that’s over 4400 pages or over 6 Game of Thrones books. Images will tally in the hundreds to maybe thousands. My end retail price will probably be much greater than the current $3 ask, so invest now for the savings. There will always be a free version of it floating around but the premium version will be updated consequently for a bit. So if you want to capitalize and support, it would be greatly appreciated. I’ve only surprisingly had 10 people take me up on that offer and they’re much appreciated. Honestly, these early investments mean that much more and you can help by taking a read, maybe spreading the word and definitely pledging that $3. The idea is to ask a little from a lot of people to make this possible as I’m uncomfortable with anything more, knowing it’s only roughly 25-30% complete at the moment. But if I can get more support, I’d be able to add better imagery and probably write faster too.
So if ya’ll haven’t noticed, I’m trying to up my advertisement game. There’s not really a central place for what I’m trying to write/make so it falls kind of hard in between a lot of categories. But I remember editthis and cyoa websites about a decade ago were kind of popular with the emerging medium. Now it’s scattered and it doesn’t help that unethically AI created content is here to compete. Either way, it’s the long game and I can’t let any hiccup, big or small, bring me down too much.
If you’re curious, from my numbers, I have 13 pledgers and about 1-200 watchers. It’s the internet and I’m writing taboo stuff so I don’t expect it to make it to the front page of anything with algorithms. Even so, with an influx of people will mean an influx of opinions good and bad. And although I'd like to avoid controversy, I don't think it'll be entirely possible. But I like to keep things wholesome... this is all just play pretend for me. My work should be read and treated as smut to keep to yourself. Thanks and enjoy!

So if you like what you’ve read and can forgo a cup of coffee, $3 on subscribestar, 2025 premium release date. But that’s it from me. Thanks. - Icarus Dragon
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Hi again,
So the interactions were much more broken then I thought they were. I have been catching and fixing things as I see it and have a new stable release. I have completed the orgasm sequence however it is not bug free and may change gender/wording from time to time. I am also messing around with the balancing as if your stats are too high, it’s near impossible to cum… Get it below:
So, I’m in a conundrum… I had hoped that my writing would have garnered enough attention to have some type of significant funding by now but it hasn’t lifted off. This is putting a strain on me as I haven’t even been paid once for this... If some of you didn’t know, I am a struggling artist and want to make something amazing but it’s going to require time and resources. I’m doing what I can with time but resources have been circling zero for months. Honestly, I am just asking for even 1000 people to pledge the $3 and I’d be good to go. I mean, ideally it goes viral and I get all the funding I need for a comfortable 2025 release but that’s just hopeful thinking… so hop on the $3 train if you haven’t already. One pledge of $3 during this campaign on subscribestar or paypal will get you the 2 million word, fully-imaged incest game/story projected to release 2025, playable on most browser. Actual price is subject to change once it releases.
What happens now? So, as my many disclaimers suggest, this is an incest game that doesn’t shy from darker elements. Having functioning sex scenes means that I can write the story and if necessary, point to these scenarios that should fill the sex side of it. With stable vanilla sex scenes done, I’d like to add in a drugged sex scene, a tied up rape scene and a drunk sex scene. These 3 scenarios have dubious consent and will have their own mechanics and feel to it. I don’t believe in subjecting anything to torture or rape, but I won’t shy away from writing about it. I am not edgy nor do I possess a hatred for women/men, I simply want to explore the human condition. If you disagree… well don’t read it. After that, I'll start developing the dialogue system, bedroom and day loop.
I have also decided that the images will be of greater quality after all. Human beings are visual creatures and visual aids assist greatly in the sexiness category. So instead of some half measure, it will eventually have high quality images via AI, although that is a bit in the future. What’s released today is just a more stable version with orgasms working. Next time, in maybe 3-4 weeks will be the additional sex scenes. Looking forward to then, thanks!

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Hi everyone
I was really hoping to beat the new year but testing took place. Thank you for your patience. Here is the latest version! Download below:
So I had to rebuild everything to account for the new system. All in all, it took 120,000 words before the system started coming together. It’s been a lot of blind guessing and ‘build it now, check it later.’ Using the new writing style, scenarios for all characters should be completed at the same time. Of course that means 5x the length with each character’s variation but it’ll be better than the individual story telling before. The original way had funneling branches that were cut off from each other and at one point would need to copy paste over for all family members (which is why I reduced the estimated words because the newer system will account for it).
As I’ve said, this isn’t all a particularly unique idea… it just hasn’t been done well enough and that’s where I aim to step up. So check it out. Even as I’m building the end game system, everything is subject to change. The AI images that I use are low-ish effort and meant to be stand-ins for your imagination. They will most likely never be pixel perfect and specific images may come and go as I update it. Artifacts, lower quality or bad zooms may be present.
Also, there are a lot more women's photos than men’s… There’s a 2 part reason for that… 1. The AI generator ( I use does not have as many options for men. This is because porn of men aren’t as typically sought after, making the AI bug out a bit as it tries to assign feminine traits all the time. 2. I am not attracted to men and honestly do not know what women consider attractive. All images are subject to change however if I put in naked 40’s/20’s/18 year old men, viola, something appears. As male attractiveness is more touchy (imho), I may end up cropping out a lot of faces as I feel that’s best for immersion, however that may change depending upon feedback.
But yes, sex and people are complicated and quantifying it down into numbers and words is hard. I’ve mentioned before that what I’m making doesn’t really exist and I am finally figuring things out. As the game is taking shape, adjustments will be made in probably all aspects. What you see and experience may not always be the highest quality but we’ll eventually get there with the new system. What’s planned next is completing the bedroom content as it’s meant to be the hub and then the dialogue system with scenarios sprinkled throughout. It should pick up pace as I iron things out and I’d like to get to biweekly releases but we shall see. There were lots of times before that I wanted to check in but decided that the next time I spoke I would have a release so tada.
What I did write is roughly 170000 words or 380+ pages in 5-6 months - although a considerable portion of it is code. Kind of slow if you asked me but we shall see going onward. The nice part is, I should be able to just add sexual positions and new characters into the already established system. I tried to make it even more robust but scaled back due to difficulty. I did a lot of testing but with so many pages, I can only read so much before I get bored/lose focus. The orgasm function is broken because it’s complicated… I’ll give it a proper read and fix any errors I find for the next release.
I may keep repeating things but am doing my best. It’s honestly a lose-lose situation. The unfortunate realities of running a business (and living) on $30 a month. That’s it from me though, thank you for your patience once again! I’ll try to be more in contact. Thanks! - IcarusDragon
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