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We will create a special video about Rune Adventure side stories:
Kai & Jobey - moms Exchange:
Margareth and Mathilde went shopping and in the bags along with the vegetables, there was also a rune, the libido rune, when this rune is taken out of the bag, it's activated by mistake and everyone in the kitchen is affected (Mathilde, Margareth, Jobey and Kai) and all possible nasty things will start happening even in daylight.
$2,958 of $4,000
per month
Rune game - Anna in: Touch me!
We are going to create a game where the player can interact with Ms Anna, the player must make Anna reach orgasm by groping her in specific areas of the body (the player will be able to interact with her breasts, her butt, use dildos..), in the game it will be possible remove or change her clothes, your opponent will be Eddy (Edwald), you must prevent him from reaching Anna. We have already started to develop some parts of the project and as this objective progresses, we will create more things, updates on the game's progress will be made as the objective is closer to being achieved.
Поддерживать автора контента материально - единоразово или на регулярной основе.
Возможность общаться напрямую с автором контента через чат на сайте.
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