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Displaying posts with tag FaerieBestiary.Reset Filter
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The Giant Honeytrap Pitcher Plant Plane of Origin: Beyond the Mists/Faerie Habitat: Sub-tropical Wetland Diet: Carnivorous, Magivorous. Primarily feeds on large mammalian-type fae and the ocassional human. Reproduction: Parasitic.

The Giant Honeytrap Pitcher Plant lives in the sub-tropical wetlands that make up a large portion of the Summer Kingdom of the Land Beyond the Mists. It grows in large, widely spaced colonies which are connected by immense root systems which may span miles. These roots are used to share nutrients, magical energy and at times, even fertilized seeds between individual plants.

Unlike real world pitcher plants, the giant honeytrap pitcher is an active hunter -- using its external flowers to create spores which induce arousal, dizziness, confusion and muscle weakness upon inhalation along with its vines to ensnare prey and pull it into the main body of the plant.

Its vines also secrete the plant's digestive fluids -- a combination between sugary nectar and magical acid which not only dissolves armor and clothing but also makes skin incredibly sensitive to stimulation, adding to the arousal experienced by its prey.

Like many of the flor and fauna of faerie, the Honeytrap Pitcher has difficulty with reproduction on its own and has since evolved to make use of the species of fae that live in the sub-tropical wetlands in which it makes its home.

It does this in two ways, depending on reproductive organs present in the prey.

(For ease of writing, I will be referring to these using the scientific terminology -- male = testicles/penis/prostate, female = vagina/uterus/breasts)

If the prey is male: The Giant Honeytrap pitcher uses male prey as its primary source of food as well as a way to fertilize its seeds.

When a male has been trapped in the pitcher, the plant will insert some of its greater stamen into the oral and anal cavities -- releasing a mixture of sweet-tasting, sugar-laden nectar and a chemical compound which massively increases semen production and greatly increases skin elasticity.

It will then envelop the penis with its style and repeatedly induce orgasm in the prey, taking both the genetic material and the magical energy released. The plant will store the gather ejaculate in the "pollen" reservoir, using it to fertilize the eggs located in the ovary below at its leisure.

It will continue to do this until the prey is, eventually, completely exhausted and expires. This may take anywhere from several days to weeks, depending on the strength of the prey trapped within the pitcher.

It will then digest the prey using the fluid in the pitcher and distribute the nutrients throughout the colony.

If the prey is female... Female prey is used primarily as a source of magical energy and a dispersal method for fertilized seeds.

When a female has been trapped in the pitcher, it will have the greater stamen inserted into the vaginal, anal and oral cavities -- where it will release the same enzyme mixture given to male prey. The lesser stamen, however, will be inserted into the urethral cavity, where it will secrete a nectar containing estrogen, oxytocin, relaxin and prostoglandins to induce cervical dilation.

Due to the mass amount of aphrodisiacs being pumped into the prey, this is generally immensely pleasurable, causing the prey to release lubricant fluid and large amounts of magical energy.

Once the cervix has been sufficiently dilated and the prey's body has been otherwise sufficiently prepared (elasticity increased) the stamen will be removed from the vaginal cavity and the plant inserts its style into the vaginal cavity and through the cervical opening.

It then deposits fertilized seeds directly into the prey's uterus. It then repeats this process with the prey's colon, also releasing a great amount of nutrient-rich nectar, which will be absorbed by the prey once it is released from the main body of the plant.

It also releases more of this nectar into the prey's stomach through the stamen inserted into the oral cavity.

The seeds of the Giant Honeytrap Pitcher plant are roughly the size of a clementine (2" diameter, roughly) and the plant usually deposits 10-15 seeds in each cavity.

Once the prey has been fully prepared to carry the plant's seeds, it will be removed from the main body of the plant and allowed to escape.

Once the nectar reserves within the prey/host have been depleted, the host's magical energy will have been nearly totally drained by the seeds. At this point, the seeds will sprout, killing the host.

This allows the seedlings to use the host's body for nutrients as they grow and establish a new colony.

Despite the danger that the giant honeytrap pitcher plant presents, there are some sapient fae who cultivate the species, using it for recreation or even reproduction of their own -- most notably, the union of some sapient fae and the giant honeytrap pitcher will result in the birth of humanoid, plant-bodied fae (such as dryads).

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