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Roseprix profile
Adult Artist, know for

Планы подписки

в месяц
Subscribestar Sprout!

Support my art, and receive HD versions of images and animations I make, as I complete them!

Remember to link your Subscriber account to DISCORD and join my server to get the most out of your subscription! I'm far more active there, and the supporter channels are updated before any of my other social media, including my feed on this site!

2 подписчика Seed Donor ; Substar
в месяц
Blooming Bud!

All of the above + +

Access to my works in progress, transparent versions of my character animations, if I make them, as well as advanced notice of and priority on commissions!

Remember to link your Subscriber account to DISCORD and join my server to get the most out of your subscription! I'm far more active there, and the supporter channels are updated before any of my other social media, including my feed on this site!

4 подписчика Blooming Bud! ; Substar
в месяц
Full Blossom!

All of the above, + +

special WIP assets and concepts that I generally try to save Patrons from to avoid spoilers.

Scrapped storyboards for comics/animations, scrapped scenes and concepts from games projects, and direct discussion and consultation on my active major projects! Blossom Patrons also get to vote on "Character of the Month" polls a full week early, when I have the time to run them.

Remember to link your Subscriber account to DISCORD and join my server to get the most out of your subscription! I'm far more active there, and the supporter channels are updated before any of my other social media, including my feed on this site!

4 подписчика Full Blossom Supporter ; Substar
в месяц
Saint of the Goddess

Add a custom character to the Major Project for that cycle! The current major project is: a 3D Animated Short!

The character you bring me must be an original character, you must be willing to workshop them with me so they fit into the project's world, AND if you ask for a refund to your subscription, your character may not appear in the final product. Your character may appear as a full character with dialogue or as a background extra, depending on how they fit into project!

You will not receive additional benefits for subscribing to this Tier for consecutive months on the same project. Please subscribe to a lower tier the next month. Your support means a lot but I WILL cry.

Remember to link your Subscriber account to DISCORD and join my server to get the most out of your subscription! I'm far more active there, and the supporter channels are updated before any of my other social media, including my feed on this site!

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Active Saint

Добро пожаловать!

  • Subscribe for HD images, priority on commissions, and input on my larger-scale projects!

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для Цели
This would roughly cover the incidental costs that come with being an artist, and would mean I get basically the revenue of a decent-sized commission guaranteed every month. It's only the start, but still still, whatever you can give toward this would be greatly appreciated!
для Цели
Oh wow, really? I didn't think I'd get this far! With this much, I'll be able to have a modest budget for Major Projects every quarter. Expect things like Voice Acting or collaborating with other artists much more frequently in those works!

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