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Ritzcat profile
Furry, Fetish-centric Artwork

Subscription Tiers

per month
Tip Jar

You get my sincere gratitude for supporting me and my work!

1 subscriber Tipper
per month
Sufficiently Supportive
  • My sincere gratitude for supporting me and my work!
  • Ability to vote in monthly art polls!
  • Ability to suggest characters for polls (Note: Your suggestion is NOT guaranteed to be picked)
  • Commission Priority
12 subscribers Supporter


  • Supporting my work, and my sincere appreciation
  • Commission Priority
  • Monthly Art Vote
So what is the point of this page?

Simply put, it's essentially a Tip Jar plus!

The main purpose of subscribing to me here is simply because you want to support my work. As of now, I cannot physically offer much in terms of rewards while also juggling commissions, personal projects, and aiding my family day-to-day.

The best I can do is offer is priority queue for commissions, and the ability to vote on a monthly piece.

With that said, Thank you for reading and thank you even more so if you decide to support me and my work!

Displaying posts with tag Updates.Reset Filter

The poll winner was a tie, so I'm gonna draw Rambley, and Asriel will be added to next month's po...

Posted for $2, $5 tiers
Unlock Tier

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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