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Rask9000 profile
I make 18+ SFM Stuff (and more!)

A Vacation Mode enabled

Rask9000 is out for Vacations starting June 01, 2024 until December 31, 2050.
Rask9000 has left this message for you:

Putting SubscribeStar in vacation mode, won't have time to maintain it on a consistent schedule due to IRL stuff!


  • You get to see completed works a week early
  • Follow all of the progress: see WIPs, behind the scenes, and scrapped works

Creator Stats

90 subscribers
82 posts


Thank you very much for the support! I will cover some minor expenses related to making content, like storage.
$51 of $150
per month
Wow, thank you so much for your support! 🥰 With this, I will be able to devote more time to animating great videos for you! ^^

Other Creators

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