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QuarkYifu profile
Entertaining Adult Comic Books, Visual Novels and short Movies.

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I like to make things that entertain people because people need to be entertained. I need to be entertained and I appreciate it when people make things that entertain me. I want to be a successful writer and I'm learning how to write by making visual novels, comic books, and now short movies that that are successful getting donations on the indie game website ( until I get good enough to make something I can sell on Amazon or something like that so I can make some money.

18 subscribers
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One Dollar per month Tier

If you are a person of means and you like my work you can support me by donating $1 per month.

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Two Dollar Per Month Tier

If you are a person of means and you like my work you can support me by donating $2 per month.

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Five Dollar Per Month Tier

If you are a person of means and you like my work you can support me by donating $5 per month.

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  • Visual Novel Assets to make your own visual novel or movies.
  • Transparrent background character images and looping animations for you to use to make your story.
  • Thousands of free to use images and animations.

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A scene from The Najee Comic book.
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Sister Blain Comic Book ( 1561 Images 960X640 122 MB)  Read time about an hour.  
Sample Text...
Adam: I think it's usually the girls fault that honesty doesn't work. Guys lie to girls so they can get pussy.
Girls always say they want total honesty but then they don't really like the truth. Guys are all horny dogs Blain.
Let's say a guy decides to be honest with a girl that he likes.
The girl will soon discover that the guy honestly just wants to fuck everything.
He wants to fuck her, all her friends, her mom and any other girl that he can even if he doesn't like them.
Do you really think that all guys are like that?
Lot's of guys fall in love and get married and things like that.
Adam: Yeah... You ever notice that a lot of them get caught cheating latter?
Let me tell you a guy secret.
Even if a guy loves a girl like crazy he still wants to have sex with other girls.
The guys that are always loyal and faithful just don't have the opportunity to cheat or else they would.
Let's say a guy loves his wife very much and he gets the opportunity to have sex with another girl and he knows he won't get caught.
Of course he wants to fuck the girl. The guy will do it every time.
From the guy's point of view there won't be a problem as long as he doesn't get caught.
Guys are total sluts Blain.
We just can't help ourselves!
Do you think we want to give all our money to strippers?
We're compelled to do it!
Girls cheat too.
There are a lot of girls that marry a nice, stable guy that doesn't really turn them on and then cheat on him with some guy that does.
Girls get horny too.
I know that girls get horny too but there's a difference.
It's like the difference between throwing a bullet and shooting it.
Once a guy gets rejected a few times for being honest he learns to always lie to girls.
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Tentacle Therapy is a comic book (233 Images ~ 249 MB)

Sample Text...

Commander: The military is full of officers who meticulously plan and come in under budget every year and never get promoted because even though they tell you to do the budget like that it's not what they really want you to do.

Commander: What they really want you to do is get as much money from congress as you can, then spend it all and then ask for more. Those are the officers that get promoted even if the extra money ends up being wasted.

Commander: When I get close to the end of the year I spend most of my time looking for justifiable ways to spend money. That's one of the reasons you get so many military contracts from me.

Doctor: Really? I thought it was because I've been fucking you and sucking your cock and stuff.

Commander: Well, That too.

Commander: Anyways, back to the asteroid belt. Guess what they found.

Doctor: What?

Commander: A small colony of what appears to be tentacle monsters.

Doctor: Oh my God! Can I have one?

Commander: You're getting four.
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Angel_5 Comic Book (1022 images ~ 960X640 ~ 81 MB) 

Angel is new in the college town taking a course on "The phycology of fetishes" trying to find out why she's super horny all the time. She finds new friends on a secret network called "Naughtychat" and their adventure begins.

Sample Text...

Executive's Son: You are the most popular executive I have... All the other executives love you...

Son: How do you do it?

Chia: I want to be honest with you but you might fire me if you find out how incompetent I secretly am.

Son: I'm incompetent too Chia! I took culinary classes in college and learned how to cook.

Son: That's the only "Degree" I have and I run the whole company!

Chia: Ok, The truth...

Chia: I don't know anything about how to do my job. I don't even know what my job is or what I'm supposed to do.

Chia: I'm one of the highest level executives in the whole company and I've never done anything but secretly fuck everyone.

Chia: I don't have a degree or know anything about business and I'm completely unqualified.

Chia: I've never done anything that anyone would consider real, actual work.

Chia: I think my official title would be "Executive Fuck Puppet" but they can't put that on the letter head.

Chia: I feel like a fraud because all these promotions and everything don't go to the people that work hard and do a good job.

Chia: They go to me... and all I ever do is secretly fuck everyone because I like getting fucked.

Son: That's just the way big money works Chia.

Son: All these super big corporations are just playgrounds for wealthy people's children.

Son: All the super high paying executive jobs go to people who are well connected whether they're qualified or not.

Son: All the people that can actually manage things and DO know what they're doing get paid hardly anything.

Son: They all work for one of those well connected people that doesn't know anything and makes a hundred times more money.

Son: It's just the way rich people keep money in the family and things like that.


Sample Text...

Angel: I'm a super horny girl with horny super powers.

Angel: A few months ago I was just a normal girl...

Angel: I didn't care much about sex... I would just masturbate every once in a while and that was it.

Angel: Then suddenly one day I just woke up super horny.

Angel: And I stayed super horny.

Angel: And I have been super horny non stop all the whole time since that happened a few months ago.

Angel: I tried to fight off this new, nymphomaniac version of myself at first.

Angel: I didn't just start fucking everyone like I wanted to do.

Angel: I bought a really expensive fuck machine and used it a lot for a while.

Angel: Eventually it wasn't enough.

Angel: I wanted sex with another person.

Angel: I started looking for anonymous sex. "No strings attached" type stuff.


Sample Text...

Angel: I used my horny super powers on you because I wanted to do naughty things to you Samantha.

Angel: I honestly didn't know that it would make you love me forever.

Samantha: Nothing's really changed Angel.

Samantha: I just love you and want to be with you all the time now. That's all.

Samantha: Being  totally in love feels really good Angel. It's like I'm high or something.

Samantha: My whole body feels good and all my problems are gone.

Samantha: This is like paradise for me.

Samantha: The only thing I want to do is make you happy.

Samantha: I'll just be your slave and do anything you want.

Samantha: You wanted a slave anyways Angel. Maybe eventually you'll love me back.
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Doctor Evil Comic Book (317 images ~ 960X640 ~ 28 MB)
[This is a zipped folder containing images (in story chronological order) that when read sequentially tell a story, like a comic book.  (317 images ~ 960X640 ~ 28 MB)]
Yifu Comics Presents Doctor Evil. A comic book style visual novel with sound and animations. Read time about a half hour.
Sample Text...
Doctor Evil: Have you decided to join my evil empire yet?
Angel: I'm still thinking about it.
Angel: If I work for you I can't be friends with Cherry anymore.
Angel: I'm trying to convince her to join me and help you take over the world but she seems to think it would be wrong or something.
Doctor Evil: Why?
Angel: She thinks your idea to enslave humanity is bad.
Angel: She thinks that humanity should be able to chose it's own fate with a fair and democratic government system in control.
Doctor Evil: Now that's just stupid. That's never going to happen.
Doctor Evil: Someone has to take over the world and enslave humanity.
Doctor Evil: If not me it's just gonna be someone else.
Angel: I know, but Cherry doesn't see it like that...
Doctor Evil: Can't you reason with her? No one can stop me now anyways.
Doctor Evil: When I take over the world who's side do you wanna be on?
Doctor Evil: You tried every legal way in the world to stop me already. How'd that go for you?
Angel: Can't you just stop being evil?
Angel: You already have everything anyone could ever want.
Doctor Evil: I'm evil Angel.
Doctor Evil: It wasn't a choice. I was born like this.
Doctor Evil: I was raised in an evil family by evil parents...
Doctor Evil: I had an evil dog and stuff.
Doctor Evil: My dad was Mayor of Evil City.
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I like to make things that entertain people because people need to be entertained. I need to be entertained and I appreciate it when people make things that entertain me. I want to be a successful writer and I'm learning how to write by making visual novels, comic books, and now short movies that that are successful getting donations on the indie game website ( until I get good enough to make something I can sell on Amazon or something like that so I can make some money.

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