Project Bounded V06, available for testing! 
Hello, everyone, and welcome back. I'm Karla, and I'll be your guide for the next few minutes, walking you through the latest updates we have in store for this release of Project Bounded.
We hope you will enjoy them! Keep in mind that this release has one complete story event and introduces the locations and some of the characters. Interaction is limited and, even if for some of you, it might not seem much, I would like you to remember that this is a product made out of pure passion and hard work by a single developer.
So, before we dive in, please don't forget to like, share or leave a comment. Last but not least, for the new visitors, consider supporting the project. It means the world to us!
Thank you and welcome to Project Bounded!
So... the new Stories Menu. Alongside the main story, we are introducing the expansion packs, each with its playable character and narrative. They are standalone adventures linked to the main events in Project Bounded.
Some are important pieces of the bigger puzzle, some are just here to give you a more comprehensive idea of the main plot and the events. Also, they will help you understand better the characters and their motivations. Nonetheless, they all are fun to play in their unique way.
The first on the list is "Episode 1 - Awakening", where you get to play as Marcus, an android sent to planet Eris, situated in the Scorpius Constellation, to investigate a strange signal coming from something that looks like a crashed alien ship.
The events happened in 2180 when humanity found the first signs of intelligent alien life... and somehow managed to trigger an intergalactic war with an alien race. What happened on Eris remains for you to find out...
Next, we have the "Ghosts of the Past" expansion. Here, you get to play as Alex Romanov, the son of Dana Romanov, one of the founders of an organisation called "The Keepers".
The events are set in the 2000s, almost 200 years before the ones in the main story. All we know so far is that something happened back then and, at some point, Alex, Dana, and her two other daughters, Lisa and Judy, vanished without a trace. With the technology available now, the current members of the organization, myself included, found a way to tap into the memories of Alex. Maybe, in the end, we will find out what happened and why Amanda, leader of The Keepers, thinks that Alex is, somehow, linked to her son, Jake, the protagonist of the main story of Project Bounded.
"Changing perspective" expansion tells the story of Alice Anderson and you will get to see the world through her eyes. Young, funny, and irrational sometimes, she's always the spark that ignites Jake.
They have been, since childhood, like a neutron and a Uranium atom, ready to blow up the house. But, when they are apart, things might be a little different. All the mocking she does, all her jokes, and all her occasional anger towards her brother Jake may have an explanation. So, playing as her in this expansion will give you a deeper understanding of her character. Also, since she might be the key to saving all humanity, it seems like a good idea to "study" her more closely.
Now... For the bold... Well, here we thought it might be fun to give you all the tools to play around and make your scenes. You have unlocked a new location, and a new character and made a step in the relationship? Well, that progress will be available here, in this section for you to play with. Set the cameras, set the action... move the mouse to the left... and enjoy! This Sandbox expansion pack will allow you to do everything you want.
So... last but not least... The Main Story. Well, to keep it simple, it's about love, lust, passion, choices, and consequences... There is no right or wrong way to experience it. There is just YOUR way of experiencing it. You have the potential to become a god. It's your choice if you decide to enslave or to become a beacon of hope for all humanity.
This is, in short, the summary. The long version can be found in the posts related to Project Bounded here, or on the Patreon page. Also, you will find a comic book, called "Living next door to Alice", which will give you hints about the two main characters of Project Bounded and about the world they live in.
Well..., this kinda wraps it up for today. I hope you like what you will discover and both I and our creator are waiting for your feedback.
Also, thank you for all your support. This means we can rely on you to make Project Bounded the pinnacle of the adult gaming industry.
Important notes:
- loading levels may take some time and it gives the impression that the game freezes;
- key bindings are displayed for 10-15 seconds when the level starts;
- as always, the game is demanding so a fairly good computer is needed for optimal graphics and performance;
- Main Story and For the Bold Expansion are still in the making, but not for long...
- clothes on some characters are not fitted right (I didn't plan on polishing the game just yet)
- It's still an alpha build, but I thought it would be nice to share it, so you can see where and with whom you will interact in the next release. Get to know the playground, to be more precise.
- FEEL FREE TO SHARE THE GAME, anywhere you want, if you think it's worth it!
- Support the project, if you think it's worth it!
I really hope you like what you see and I would really appreciate your opinion,
Thank you, everyone!
See you soon!
Karla :-*
Download links:
Google Drive:
Thank you, again!