Goals of this.

Okay, I opened this yesterday, and would like to explain my intent here. First, I want to mix original content and fan games. The latter will be the specialty of this, and I want to make people happy with them, even though they are going to be my ideas.

The original content will be stories, starting with a monster girl thing I hope people enjoy. The first game will be a vore game (most of these will be) that will be inspired by Milia/Echidna Wars Lamia, only you play as one, of sorts. It will make more sense once I share the first few pictures of the cast, but it will be set on a beach.

I want you people to understand that writing will be monthly, but game development is an unknown amount of work. I hope people are happy with what I make, and please tell me how the games can be better in terms of playability as I make them.