Hey everyone! Been a little bit and I now realized how fast time flies... 

... just in time to start preparing for my 1 Year Anniversary of Dungeon Days! :V YEEEEE!

So it was last October, on the 27th, that I first released Dungeon Days and that is in roughly 2 months from now... So that's when I am aiming to do a VERY big update for Dungeon Days! I was going to do an update soon and then do another in October but I felt it would be a lot simpler and a lot better for everyone to enjoy a big old update for the anniversary instead! Now I don't wanna get into a whole spiel about doing Dungeon Days for the last year (yet) so I'll just leave it at that and wanted to let you all know that...

I plan on early release for v.06 around October 27th
I plan on it having some major plot scenes and some special time with Koko.
I hope that I can put in some exciting music for this entire update, more than just the usual.

Besides that, just because of time and scheduling and all that, I'll be doing my best to get whatever else I can for this update. At the beginning of October, I'll do one more devlog to let you all know where I am at and after that, I'll be quiet (on here anyways... you can always hit me up on Discord :V)

With what I have planned, this is going to be a fantastic update that I hope you all will enjoy :V

Oh and if you haven't already by the way, make sure you go and leave a 5 star rating on itch.io here for Dungeon Days, add it to your collection, and follow me! If you go to f95, make sure to leave a comment and a 5 star review on there for Dungeon Days as well! Visual novels like mine thrive on these kinds of things and every bit helps! Thanks in advance!