Monster of the Month Progress

I've decided to make this month's Monster of the Month (Bunny Hunt!) as a visual novelette using ICBM (the Interactive Comic Book Maker).

I've also decided that I'm going to be posting occasional updates and selected early Monster of the Month renders as Public Posts, from now on. In the past, I was posting these to the Friends tier, but I've decided it doesn't make marketing sense to put them behind a $1 paywall, so from now on, the Friends tier is going to be a pure support tier (and your support is much appreciated!)

The Friends with Benefits tier will stay much the same, giving early access to all the monster of the month renders, as well as demo releases of my current game in development (Djinni's Desire). Finally, those on the BFFs tier will get a special 4K desktop background render of the Monster of the Month, and a special thanks credit in my current game in development (for anyone who was a BFF at any time during its development)

(Note, there's still a little bit of work to be done on the Bunny Hunt cover - Bunny's looking a bit wooden - I'm really happy with her parents looking worried in the background, though)