Still here!

Heya floofs! August was a bad month for updates, but I wanted to say I'm still here, and hoping for a better September! :V

August was one of those work-to-eat, eat-to-work kinda cycles. I had to take more subcontracted side jobs to pay the bills, and didn't manage to push the Forest of Love v2 rewrite over the finish line before end of month, keeping me stressed and super tired all month.

Heading into September it's the same, BUT I expect to have the TFOL v2 rewrite finally crossed off this month. I'm using a new task tracking platform called Codecks to manage my TFOL todos, and I have a better sense of the remaining work (43 cards) and effort (38 points = been completing up to 8 points per coding day). Codecks is kind of like Trello, but instead of kanban charts, Codecks gamifies task cards like it was a deckbuilding game. It's an addicting way to work. *nerds out* :}}

There's a ton of work left on TFOL overall, but building out the game's campaign content and fresh storyline is a lot more motivating than playing whack-a-mole with old designs and annoying bugs I caused by the rewrite. >:E I expect a big energy boost once I finish the TFOL v2 tasks, it's been a mental drain for the recordbooks.

Creatively, I've been pretty smooshed, but still managed some juicy breakthroughs in a few areas that I'm looking forward to show. Had only a couple days in August where I had energy to draw, one day for 3d study, zero days for art/theory study, and random hours here and there where I've tinkered with gamedev, sound design, and ai learning. There's still a pretty good backlog of posts for Creative Journey when I am able to write them up! I've also done some lookdev for silly gamejam games I'd like to make someday, putting props into a Unity scene and playing around with look and feel. Hoping within the next few months there'll be some latitude to dabble in small interactive things like those, as they'd be super fun to Journey. :} Always a struggle to avoid having 'too many fish', while also staying multidisciplined.

Will share more as soon as I can. <3 Thanks for sticking with me!