FeralIsland FAQ - controls

Hello friends, :>

This page contains the current VR and normal mode controls. Vive users can set their own key bindings by following this guide.

What are the current controls of FeralIsland?

 》 Keyboard Normal Mode:
WASD: Move target crosshair
Hold middle mouse: Float around the target
Left mouse click: Select
Right mouse click: Deselect menu selection
Tab: Swap gender
ALT: Toggle UI on and off
H: Hide scenery
T: Show edit transform menu
X: Reset crosshair position
Escape: Leave the gallery 

Keyboard VR only:
Plus: Scale the UI up
Minus: Scale the UI down
Arrow Keys: Move the UI around
Page Up: Zoom the UI Up
Page Down: Zoom the UI Down

Vive (SteamVR):
Right Trigger: Interact with the UI, pet creatures
Left Touchpad Press:  Move target crosshair 
Right Touchpad Press: Float around the target
Left Grab: Zoom out
Right Grab: Zoom in

Oculus Controller:
LAnalogStick: Move target crosshair
RAnalogStick: Float around the target
A: Select, Interact with creatures, toys and the UI
B: Swap gender
X: Toggle UI ON/OFF
Y: Toggle Scene ON/OFF
LIndexTrigger: Zoom in
RIndexTrigger: Zoom out
LHandTrigger: Selects the model selection
RHandTrigger: Selects the scenario selection