Monthly Update: Animation Previews, other progress.

Hey peeps, sorry this post is a bit late. Bunch of home stuff calling my attention.
Anyway, ANIMATION PREVIEWS! Finally new stuff, it's only a bit for now (The set is complete) but more will come through out this month and the next!
The above is one of the new sex sim sets, this time animated by @Kekitopu.
Kekitopu🔞 (@kekitopu) / Twitter
As I said before he's not the only one doing animations and such. Thanks to the support of my publisher Critical Bliss, You, and the expected success of the steam release is funding this new content. I'll mention the other animators as their work is completed and shown.
Also as an FYI the animators are picking from a list of "high priority" positions selected based on your previous voting! The animators are just picking their favorites from that. 
Also Sex Sim is not the only animations being made.

Mild Story Changes

As you guys might have noticed, I've been avoiding Act 4 and part of that is that that's when the game really opens up. It's going to take a lot of focus on its own. 
But also, I wasn't 100% on the state of the story for Act 4. One thing that was planned is an unlock for a feature called "Going Out", Act 4 was basically supposed to conclude with that feature unlocked.
But this caused some problems. We know how sex sim unlocks. But how does dress up unlock? How does Naomi come to want to get into these various sometimes fantasy outfits. 
There is a plot reason for this, but the order was a problem. It meant features people want the most from Our Apartment would take too long to unlock. And "Going Out" is a major update requiring a lot of new assets and locations.
So my current mentality is changing things up...
Instead of:
  • Act 4: Sex sim unlocked and various other events
  • Act 5: Going out unlocked and dressup

  • Act 4: Sex Sim unlocked and various other events
  • Act 5: Dress up and role play unlocked.
  • Act 6: Going out unlocked

This is to give us a bigger window between need to implement going out, while making sure at least dress up and associated features (role play) are accessible. This also makes Act 4 itself smaller, cause originally the plan was to kind of bloat it until the Going out stuff was added. But I always felt iffy about that.
You might also ask "wait sex sim unlocks before dress up?" And yeah, mechanically it makes sense as a progression element. Basically, now Naomi will automatically wear outfits based on the items you buy. And that will be how things work initially. 
Then some things happen, and you'll be able to dress Naomi how you like before any events as things work currently. You go from doing sex sim with whatever Naomi's wearing, to being able to choose before doing sex sim or another event.
By that point the things you can do in the apartment are well established, and "going out" will be the next major feature. 
This way the launch, which is currently planned to have up to Act 4 (With a temporary unlock of dress up until act 5 is released) can quickly be followed with Act 5 rather than wait for "going out" to be complete. So hopefully the content stream will be steady.

More soon!

There's a lot of asset stuff to do, and some things I STILL haven't revealed yet that I need to show. And we'll get there. 
For now thanks for your support peeps, if you like the new content, please tell your buds and stuff to help me produce even more content! But honestly either way there will be a lot to show very soon.