105 - *You see a clever post title*

Hi, dudes.
All is good. Another Monday Post on time. I am Mister Consistency. 

Yet again
I don't feel like saying much. I'm sure that's just a phase, but for the time being this will be another super short post. 

This was
another productive week. As of right now I need to write and put together Next Episode Preview event that I end every episode with. After that I will finally get to adding music and sounds and all sort of flags and variables to make sure the events work in order they are supposed to. There is still a lot of work ahead but Episode 09 is definitely coming soon*. Also next episode will introduce a new girl. It was a tough choice to make and I can't wait to see how you guys will take it.

That's it for now.
Thank you for your support. Love you.

Starting with Episode 09 I will be making slight changes in the interface towards simplifying things. If all goes as planned this will be a quality of life change for both you - as a player and me as a creator. Also your saves will still work and you will be able to choose any episode as usual :)