One Small Zero Two P4

Anime : Darling in the Franxx
Nude alt : link

A sudden curtain of blue hair draped over Zero Two as she calmly sat back- expecting another light kiss. Her heart skipped a beat as something warm and slimy slipped under her.
"O-oh?!" She gave a startled sound, nervously letting the tongue slide up and down her side.

The tiny girl slowly turned round, getting lightly peppered with kisses as she tried to face her giant friend. The flustered giantess just gave a small smile, pressing a little harder and knocking the tiny on her back. It was obvious that she was still holding back a lot.
"Well..." Zero two blushed, smirking, "I'm not going to stop you, go wild leader!" 

The kisses paused for a moment, slowly backing away. 

The pink haired girl felt a mix of disappointment and pride, she'd finally got the response she was looking for. With a cocky smirk, she prepared to tease Ichigo again, hopefully make her blush red again or get flustered.

However, as her eyes met the giant Ichigo she didn't see embarrassment. The giant girls hazy eyes were filled with lust- a giant smile spread over her face like Zero Two just offered her the keys to her inner most dreams. The tiny girls heard started to race, this wasn't what she was expecting from the usually more uptight friend.

Ichigo carefully picked the tiny girl up, the giant girls own heartbeat faster. Zero Two had just given her permission to stop holding back. The giantess didn't even fully process her own words as she slowly let herself relax.
"Very well... you asked for it..." Ichigo cooed, opening her mouth- dropping in a slightly stunned Zero Two before sucking the rest of her inside.

Flopping onto her bed, Ichigo felt a little naughty, giggling to herself as she probed her little 'candy'. She just hoped Zero Two was having as much fun as her.