Had a bit of a delay, needed to fix my profile before continuing.

Anyhow, I finally decided on a model for this channel:
my Adult.SubscribeStar will contain unseen conceptual art - both original and IP-inspired concepts, notes and thoughts on projects I cannot work on due to current and previous obligations, and all-around screwy doodles I'd like to put more time into. Which may or may not include concepts of the comics mentioned above if anyone wants to know the ins-and-outs of said works.

This delves more into character & creature designs as well as costume & wardrobe designs, random doodles inspired by different IPs (as in not exactly fan-based - doing this for reasons), and possibly chat on story bits. Again will depend on the overall traffic.

Basically my most wild and unpolished concepts I may never be able to pursue unless I earn enough for better equipment and/or a place of my own for uninterrupted focus. And if it goes well I can move my core niche content and original works here out of Patreon.

Meanwhile, PATREON will still have its uses as far as completing unfinished works and potential fanworks in the possible future. This includes the current iteration of Preg Plague (whether I move that over will despite on how driven SubScribeStar is), and the first comics of Special Order: 8 and Project HERC - should I ever go back onto them as traffic wavered specifically on those projects from the very start...

After that I may take up on random 'Sonic the Hedgehog' scenarios and branch out into more 90's throwback toon art.

Any concept and story bit that garners a lot of attention in SubscribeStar may be mentioned on Patreon as a foreseeable work-in-progress or just to provide a spotlight onto it.