Aradia Beat TGIF the 1990s Zine Kickstarter was a success!

I wanted to report that the Aradia Beat Volume 1 zine will indeed be printed as we not only reached our goal, but also reached 2 stretch goals!

Not sure if anyone here pledged, but even if you didn't thank you so much for your support! Having you out there motivated me to work to my best and share some of the art (which I was able to use for promos). Not to mention, now that we're funded, we're closer to get the zine printed! Once it's printed and mailed out, we'll be given the date we're allowed to share our work freely, so if you didn't get a chance to snag the zine, don't worry! I'll be sharing the comic art I created for Dark Horse, as well as the in world ad spoofing the film "Clueless" here once I'm legally able to do so :D And boy, I can't wait for that!

So thank you once more for your support. I'm so excited to be able to tell you all this endeavor was a success!

Tonight at 7pm pst I'll be streaming on Twitch in celebration of our success. No obligation to check out the channel, but anyone's invited. I'll be continuing some Super Mario Bros. 3 game play. And if I get tired/mad of playing that, I may switch over to Dr. Mario >:D

1990s goodness.

Have a lovely weekend! Stay safe,

Blue Dragon