Progress Update- Penetration!

Aaaaa exciting!
To new subscribers: We’re in the middle of an absurdly-long update cycle. Here’s the summary and how to access content.

What's being worked on?

Success! (GIF attached below cause I can't embed here)
Okay, stay with me here cause this looks like I just have a slider hooked up to a pussy spread animation. But no! This is actually using almost every single mechanic and big change in the engine built up to this point.

The data restructuring lets me just add the orifice mechanics to anything. (img 1)

All the display code lets me tie targeted animations and stuff to that mechanic, so there's literally nothing hardcoded about how the penetration appears. This ties an animation to the "girth" property of the pussy. (img 2)

The ECS (entity component system) acts on each step of penetration without needing to be tied together in a big ball of code spaghetti. It's the biggest and best change for making all of this work. (img 3)

And the debugger gives me the ability to test every stage and course-correct if something isn't working. (img 4)

There's also the Game Object grouping features, spine rig changes, camera and input improvements, and a whole bunch of other factors. 

I waited until now to tackle penetration exactly because it would require all of these engine features to be working first. And now they are! And aaaa it's exciting!! 
From hereon out, I should be able to visually show off each step of the process for penetration (only on the substar posts if it's spicy tho). I've been waiting and waiting. I know it's only a tiny peak for now, and it may not look super awe-inspiring, but it's an awesome milestone.
Seeing all the different parts of the engine working together without issues shouldn't be a surprise -- I've spent ages on it -- but I can't help but be shocked to finally see it happening.
It's both a tiny but massive accomplishment. So uh, yeah, yay!

As a reminder, here's the release checklist to track my progress!
... and that's all for now!

Thank you all so much for being understanding of my move to Substar. Many of you have moved over already and willingly gotten charged twice for January. I appreciate you so so much. You're also saving my butt a little cause I'm trying to cover some moving expenses. The whole situation is stressful, but oh my god having a generous and loving community is amazing. 
I'm doing everything I can to earn the trust and generosity. Thank you all!! <3