Hey hey everyone! Mini dev-log here! I'm so glad to be able to bring out version .03, finally out in the next few days and today for early release! So December was an absolute wreck that carried on to January for me so this update isn't quite as large as I wanted BUT I'm sure you still won't be disappointed with it!

I'm gonna still try pushing for the "1 update a month" kind of scheduling that I am aiming for but as we've seen, that isn't always in the cards. So long as no more boilers get destroyed in my house, I should be fine! Anyways, the public release will be available on FRIDAY, February 3rd, and the early release is OUT NOW for Knights and above, so I hope that you'll enjoy it!

*Oh and I know about the issue with the saves. I'll be trying to get that all set for next update so that you all don't have to worry about the limited save slots anymore :V