Early Draft Stages

The doujin's premise has been chosen. As my debut work into the adult-comic industry, I am picking something simple yet sweet. There may be some cliche (I'll try to avoid them), but ultimately, I believe it will turn out to be sweet and fruitful! I aim to write a vanilla romance that starts from an unlikely scenario: the capture of a succubus. I have gone through many brainstorms featuring this huge, busty bitch I decided to name Nadeia (https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/102689159). I love submissive girls, and I want to explore the power dynamics in relationships. Of course, the romance will be idealized in some way, but I'll make sure to dial things back a bit so you -the reader- can find it believable. Plus, that's one of the points of fictional work, no? To create something you find ideal...

You won't see any artwork regarding the doujin in the coming days since a lot of careful planning is required to make sure I don't waste time fixing major corrections. I will start the storyboarding phase at the start of 2023.