Beginning work on new CHP book: "The Defeat of Miss Mexicana"

Good hello perverts! I'm taking a short break from the Lala Land series to see if I can pound out a quick Heroine's Perilous World superheroine Choose Her Peril interactive story. If you want to help me out/get an early look at it hop on over to the discord and take part in the read throughs I'll be posting.
If you need an invite to the discord please say so in the comments.

I'm going to be trying to get this one done as fast as I can over the next couple of weeks. It's a test run to see how well it will sell. It is NOT being written for the Amazon market so will just be posted to Smashwords. Recently the CHP stuff hasn't sold too well there, but it just might be the content that's lacking. If this is well received I'll probably do more of them, which I know would make my older fans happy.