Battletits [FREE FOR ALL]

So, I'd been deliberating upon this for some time, but now I believe is the right time to finalize this act; All versions of the RPGMAKER MV version of Battletits will now be fully free and available to the public from this day forth! This should give you a fairly decent idea of the sort of thing you may expect when going into the new version (currently WIP and being developed in UNITY), with a few added bells and whistles of course, but more importantly -- I don't really feel the need, necessity nor desire to fully gate-keep my nest like a golden goose in it's lair, hatching out a few things here and there that may never be played or purveyed.. Besides, I've made it no secret that I fully intended to work on the Unity version over the RPGMAKER one, and in light of that, it really was only a matter of time before I released all versions of the latter to be available freely. So now it's onto your heads!

The patented [FREE FOR ALL] Version is the standard [+] version of the game, which subsequently was rather loaded with cheats and trainers, so please use these at your own discretion! If you're just looking for the version of the game with all the features but with no extra things like cheats/trainers then you should look to playing the STANDARD version of the game (not the DEMO), this was the one that has all of the features of [+] but without the god mode, money madness stuff etc.

Following from this development I also intend to release another Video/DL update for the Unity version, which, frankly, feels like my most Frivolous to date -- including soundscapes and more intricately designed additions, from visual, auditory and interactive perspectives, so if you're still checking in on the updates for that then please do stay tuned for the near future!

Bon voyage for now!