Delayed update this month due to power outage!

Hey peeps so unfortunately despite not being in the worst areas affected by hurricane Ian, our house still lost power and hasn't had it since yesterday morning. It looks like it may still go on for a couple days cause it's something specific to us and a few other houses not the whole neighborhood. Supposedly a downed tree. 

And still multiple traffic lights and certain areas around town are still without power, like traffic lights and such. So I assume the state will prioritize that for now. 

So expect a delay on what I planned to update you guys with this month. I'm only capable of minimal work at the moment, and there was still much to do. Maybe I'll do a more scaled back version of what I planned.

Thankfully the temperature has been good, and we're grilling to cook for now :P. And I'm getting quality time with my steam deck which I just charge in the car from time to time. So it's not aweful. 


Thanks for your patience