
Hello everyone, Corintio here!
This build marks the beginning of the transition between the Tech Demo and the actual "New" game!
Although this is not an AAA game's cutscene, I'm really, really proud of how the new intro is coming along; how much more it tells the personality of Kalyskah and the people around her and better: How it will help new players to know what to expect in terms of gameplay!
It's been a long road so far, and I hope you enjoy what's coming out of it!

  • Removed visible breast tag from gladiator gloves 
  • Removed Kalyskah's LOD temporarily, so her clothes stop clipping through the mesh

  • Updated Amara's face
  • Added a well-polished version of the Karstein legion armour to better match the state Kalysakh's clothes were in the prologue. 
  • New NPC: Laver! Kalyskah's right-hand man.
  • Disabled the ability of Kalyskah to mask her red eyes for now, but that's because, in the story, there will be a situation where she'll have to deal with humans and then she'll not be pale. Basically, we disabled a feature so that later on we can add context to how and why this feature exists in the first place. =)
  • Several paintings of Kalyskah were scattered across her temple. for now, they use basically the same drawing but we'll be updating them in time with new art!
  • Added a brighter version of the legion armour for Galena to wear
  • There should now be a line splitting what is underwater if you position your camera in between the two. And when Kaly is underwater, there should be a nice post-render effect now.
  • Added sound effects when Kalyskah turns into a swarm of bats
  • Several level design updates and additions, like making nights brighter and we added posts on the roads. The world should feel much more lively now even though we haven't added events happening on it yet.
  • Players can now go to the port.

  • Completely new intro to the game (No more James falling down from the ceiling)
  • New power: Summon the Shadow Hunt! Kalyskah can now summon two wolves made out of shadows!
  • Improved performance even more by removing some unnecessary light sources from the temple

Combat Updates:
  • Fixed an issue that was enabling players to cancel stun animations by attacking or blocking 
  • added evasion and blocking attacks to Amara, so now she's very hard to fight 
  • Decreased the recovery time on light attacks with two-handed swords
  • Improved the logic on NPC combos in a way that they can attack again immediately after they finish swinging their swords, instead of only when the animation was done. -Fixed other details on blocking hits, causing enemies to become more aggressive in general since they will not have a recovery time after their attacks are blocked, only after their attacks get parried.
  •  Improvements on parry logic so that the block animation will be much shorter, enabling players to attack immediately after they parry a hit. 

Our subscribers can download it here.