Character Creator Additions - Coming This Week

Hey peeps,

Few additions to the CC coming in a build this week. There are numerous lip controls for changing the shape of the lips, on top of the general size sliders.

There's also now cheek, jaw, chin & brow sliders, overall face shape sliders, and an epicanthic fold slider for asian & eastern european eyes, + 5 types of eyelash (eyebrow variations to come). This build will make it possible to create a larger range of proportional differences.

And - Hair Colors! Currently the root & tip color can be controled separately, it may get more indepth in the future but this is a good starting point for now. Only the physical / cinematic hairstyles can have their color changed right now, If anyone is running with the solid stylized hairstyles, I'll be adding support for those to change color a little later.

It should be possible to get closer to the desired target look with these new additions, but more improvements are still to come!