Can I have my story now?

You have no idea how hard it was getting her to sit still for the makeup girl

Guest article
by Jessica Merkin
Jessica is a first year pupil at Saint Alancia's School for Girls.  She is 18 years old and hails from the Lady Gardens area of Sapphory City.  Today she joins us to discuss...
Yeah yeah, I'm great, shut up and give me that, and don't sit so close to me, I know your kind.  Right.  I'm here today to tell you how fucking triggered I am about everything that's happened recently.  Here we all were excited, and rightly so because I was finally getting the recognition a girl of my breeding - or whatever it is my fucking mother always calls me - deserves.  My own story.  And not just any story but a story where I get to finally give that insufferable little blonde tart what she's had coming to her since I don't fucking know when.  Definitely at least early Middle School, when I first started to notice there were things I liked about girls' bodies.  But that's completely coincidental timing, fuck off, and also shut up.
And then what fucking happens?  The whole game gets a massive overhaul taking months.  MONTHS!  Do you know how long that is in teen years?  It's like... literally forever.  I once had to go without my phone for a whole afternoon and I nearly committed suicide.  Well now imagine being told you have to wait months for something when you're a Lady Gardens girl who isn't used to being told no.  It was torture.  Actual fucking torture.  I reckon it was definitely against them "human rites" that Natalie's always chuntering on about.
I mean sure, the game is now better in every way.  My head now has this adorable chibi thing going on that's like... so cute.  Much cuter than Missy.  And with the improvements to the renders, I look even hotter than ever, and if you'd asked me before, I'd have laughed, told you that wasn't possible and then pantsed you.
That's a good idea actually, hang on, just need to put this reminder in my phone.
Pants... Missy... after school... in front of everyone.  There we go.  Bet the little fucking slut won't even be wearing any now.  Ah, whatever, I'll just pull her skirt up in that case, let everyone see her skanky little... what?  It's still on?  Fuck.  Well, no one tell her, you'll ruin the surprise.
Right, anyway, so the game's getting beta tested now, right?  Which had better fucking mean that we can finally get on with my story, because you just have no idea of the awesome things I have planned for that grinning little bimbo.  I've been waiting so long to do them to her now that I might even surprise myself with some of them.  She's going to be spending so much time naked that people will start thinking it's just the new uniform.  Maybe for her, it will be.  
I have an ace up my sleeve, you see.  I don't want to spoil the surprise, but all the rules are about to change for Missy, and there'll only be one new one: 
Jessica.  Fucking.  Owns.  You.
So get ready, slut.  Jess is coming.  And your face is going to be my new chair.  Just try and fucking stop me.
(At this point, Jessica held the microphone out in front of her, dropped it on the floor and strode off the stage, high-fiving Emma and Vicky on her way past.  I had some questions for her, but I guess they'll have to wait.  If you have a question for Jessica, feel free to ask it in the comments and we'll try and get her back in here at some point...)
Err... some... great insights from our special guest Jessica Merkin there.