TP: TCND episode one developer notes: [Light poilers ahead]

The story:

We find the main character (MC) arriving in a new home, his daughter is with him, but we don't know much about them. Their current situation is ambiguous, as the story unfolds we start to learn about their background and why they're moving. Their past holds the key about their lifestyle and the somewhat awkward dynamics between them.

The MC has been communicating with his new boss, they have been exchanging emails and phone calls. The new boss is surprised to know the MC's daughter is enrolling in her school, but she uses the job interview to make his daughter feel welcome.

We find the MC and his daughter trying to discover or trying to set what is their new "normal" they're very, very mindful about how they treat each other. The things they lived before made them like that.

The MC and his daughter take some time to look around the city and they talk about picking a new house to live in, a curious move considering that teachers are not wealthy people, the MC's background holds the key about their financial situation.

In episode one we learn about the MC's past but there is a lot we don't know yet.

TP: TCND has a tough point system; each romance-able woman has her own route, there isn't a harem option or path. The MC's decisions will have a heavy impact on relationships.

Episode one's navigation system is a sample of what is to come, navigation is not story related yet and there are no events coded into navigation. Changes will be made to make navigation easier.

Planned changes:

-Side images, to know who is talking in crowded environments. -Grammar corrections, as stated before, English is my second language and having a proof reader is a necessity. -I'm looking into implementing a family name for the MC, I want to make it optional too, so players can set it. -I'm considering adding a few more romance options.

Changes are based on suggestions made by my subscribers.