Supporter Newsletter - July, 2022

Hello again! Welcome to the July edition of the Supporter Newsletter, a little personal blog of mine where I go over some stuff that I've been up to in the past month and some general updates.

General Updates

I've been doing a lot of meditation and self-reevaluation this past month. As mentioned previously, I've been trying to get over some bad habits of mine and trying to be more positive overall. I've also been trying to stay away from the Internet as often as before, specially Social media, since it's very easy to not only get sidetracked but it also isn't good for one's mental health. I'm mainly trying to avoid bad topics and noise like drama and stuff, and have focused more on things that make me smile and feel happy. It's been helping a lot, I have to say. I recommend it to anyone who is going through some tough times. Which has been very common as of late.
In terms of art, I've been doing more research on stuff I usually struggle with, like watching some tutorial videos, timelapses, reading a bunch etc, and I've also been sketching and practicing a bunch too, the results can mostly be seen in the sketches I posted. I feel like my passion for art (and doing art) has been burning increasingly brighter because of it. I'll keep pushing myself to break more boundaries and destroy all the roadblocks I encounter.  
One thing that has been bothering me still is the feedback loop. I clearly am still not doing 100% good in terms of art and promoting myself, but I've been trying to come up with some plans to get better. You might notice some of the stuff more and more as I go along. And also, as always, I'm still open for suggestions!
There will be some changes happening soon to the Tier structure on my Patreon, SubscribeStar and Fanbox. Nothing too major like the previous re-structure, this time I just wanna adjust and tweak some things and maybe introduce some new ones *wink wink*. So keep an eye out for them!

Lastly, this is just a little research from me: I wanna know how many of you actually read these text posts (newsletter, announcements, BTS etc). So if you read this, please leave a comment simply saying: "Crab" (+ any other message you feel like leaving) down below this post. Thank you~! 🦀


I wanna give a special Thank you to those that supported me for the past month on the tiers Red Magic and above!
  • Arcluz
  • Speedy_Fox_IV

  • Madgrain

Thank you very much for your continuous support, from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate you for enjoying my art, giving me a chance and supporting me! Love ya! ❤︎
For all of you on that support me with tips on the tip jar, thank you for your help and support and for giving me a chance as well, it means a lot to me!
And finally, thank you to those who aren't able to support me monetarily (which is totally fine, every one's condition is different). Your support through favorites, likes, retweets, follows, and generally spreading the word around also helps a lot! So thank you, I appreciate you a lot as well!

Well, that was all for this newsletter, thank you very much for reading this, if you did, and I hope you'll join me or continue with me on this journey of self improvement and growth!
As always, thank you very much for your support!