June 27th 2022: Progress Report

Hello everyone, naked eyes Rem here with this week's Progress Report!

Short report and post today! In fact, today I'm going to start off with the personal stuff because it's going to be quick! My right eye is still a bit worse than my left eye right now, but I think it's doing a bit better than last week? Regardless, it's kind of a scary actually, of how quickly I've adapted to my glass-less life after wearing glasses for pretty much my whole life.

And now Karryn's Prison stuff! Karryn's Prison has been updated to v.1.0.6 on Steam last week with the following notes if you haven't read them yet:


If you haven't read it yet, you really should since it includes an estimated time frame of when the Gym side job DLC might be finished! Speaking of which, Sachinama has finished the third CG minus the variations and will start to work on the fourth CG this week!

The weather is getting hotter and super humid here, so everyone please remember to stay cool, dry and hydrate with some H2O!