Welcome to my SubscribeStar!

I post animal transformation comic pages!  Usually three pages a month.  I will be doing subjects that primarily focus on farm animal transformations. Pigs, cows, horses, donkeys... but occasionally mice, and rats as well.

Release days are about every ten days.

For just $5 a month, you get access to at least 3 pages of my comics on the day of release in full color, hi-res, and uncensored. And you may vote for and get a sneak peak at poll commissions!  You can only access up to 5 previously released comics as well at least one past issue if I am continuing a series. $10 Gold Subscribers, in addition to everything else, can request these poll commissions! As well as full access to my entire archived catalogue.

January/February - Zodiac Attack: Year of the Dragon 

(Anthro TF, Cow TF, Tiger TF, Dragon TF)
Continuing the story from issue 1, Crimson Claw has now returned to being human and has begun a year long mission to rebuild and pick up the pieces of her life.  She searches for the missing hero, Mighty Maid to help put discover the mysteries of the nefarious Masked Stranger and bring him down.  The Shining Knight unwittingly joins the investigation but will she just end up becoming the Masked Stranger's newest henchwoman?

March-August (On Break)

I will be taking a break to help build up my backlog.  Equine Therapy is still my next comic priority.  

What does that mean in terms of payments?   

Well, so long as you remain subscribed, you will not be charged while I'm on a break.  Those who subscribe in the meanwhile should only be billed one-time until I return to regain access.  I recommend not unsubscribing if you're interested in Equine Therapy.  Sadly, there will be no further Free Month Commissions for the tiers but these will return this year.  
Why have I gone on break?  

My job and family has been keeping me busy and as a result, it has made it impossible to keep to my schedule which is incredibly unfair to everyone.   So, until my backlog is months deep, I must remain on break until I can bring you content on a more reliable schedule.  I'm down, but not out.  I have plenty of stories to share and have no intention of quitting.  I've only just begun!

August/September - Equine Therapy 

(Horse TF Feral)
A woman at the end of her rope opts to see a therapist to better her mental health.  Dr. Donna Milton suggests treating her new patient with a very unique and uncommon form of equine therapy.  Nothing like becoming a horse to overcome the emotional burden of being human.


Every month I open 3 commission slots focused on animal transformation. I also do commissions!  Please feel fill out this form if you're interested.

If you opt into the $10 Super Supporter Tier, those subscribers pay an additional $5 a month to enter vote for a commission from one of their own members. At the start of the month, I invite members from this group to post their proposed commissions.  By the second week, those members vote for the best one; and I choose the one I like best in the event of a tie.  These commissions are valued at $45-60 US dollars.

Tag Key

A helpful key to my tags to save some scrolling.  Most of the comics are six pages and you will get instant access to once subscribed.
At least 33 pages total!