Lady Gardens girls are just better than you

Hello all!  Welcome to the public update.  As always, I can't show you any of the nudey renders I've been making here, so we'll concentrate on the improvements to the maps and sprites.  I announced on Monday that these will now be the near-exclusive focus until I have a game that works that my supporters can help test.  If you'd like to get involved with that... well, you know how this works.
As it turns out, this week has been a bit of a bad girls special.  Poppy and her hench...women are looking great now that they've been updated to MZ.  The bratty, entitled Lady Gardens girls stand ready to bully you in high-res!
Their beautiful homes have been fully updated too.  The Summer House looks warm and inviting.  Perfect place to kneel naked and worship Poppy.  Unless you're a dominant player, in which case it's the perfect place to beat her up and hack her computer!
Jess's house is also redone and ready to go.  I know some players were frustrated that the bedroom scene with Jessica in Queen of the Ring was cut short just as it was getting good, but fear not!  There will be many more scenes in this house!
And with Lady Gardens done, I moved on to the Red Light District.  Cervexa Hotel has had something of a facelift - a happy accident, as I actually really liked the design that the image jumble threw up, so I kept it!  The dark red theme evokes an opulent house of sin much better, I think, than before.  It was therefore pretty quick and easy to straighten out.
I wish the same could be said for the coding though!  The entire sequence with Rosaleigh was a complete mess that I spent a good couple of hours sorting out.  Nonetheless, the game is now ready for Missy to be intoxicated, incapacitated and im... preg... nated?  No that doesn't work....  Drunkenly taken advantage of... in HD!
I hope you've enjoyed this week's glimpse of the remaster.  Things are moving quickly now, and work on 0.5 will be resuming soon!