Promises S1 Ep6 v0.25a Work Log #3

Hello everyone! We're still alive and rolling! It's been a while, but things are still progressing on the production end of Promises.
As you might have noticed the "Weekly" is no longer in the work log title as the rate of production has drastically changed over the course of the past month. In the previous worklog it was mentioned of a new course of action being performed to increase production speed, but I've decided to change gears as the reality of life is making the planned system impossible to go through with.
HOWEVER, even though we're not moving as fast as we'd hope for production is still in progress. The first scene aside from image and dialogue adjustments on my end is near completion. To keep production flowing and to make the entire process smoother for the dev team storyline planning and adjustment is also a big priority (as mentioned in the announcement in the last post and on discord). To compensate for the recent gap in our work logs I'm going to continue with the pausing of patron/subscriber billing for a second month until things clear/speed up on the production end. Whenever progress is made, we'll continue to keep you updated.
Anyway, as always, we hope everyone is having a great week and continues to stay safe!
Promises S1 Ep6 v0.25a Production:
Writing/Script: 18% Complete [2/11 Scenes] (Including Intro)
Images/Animations: 18% Complete [1/11 Scenes] (Including Intro)
Music/SFX: 0% Complete
Overall completion: 12% Complete