Promises S1 Ep6 v0.25a Weekly Work Log #2
Yo! What's up everyone?! It's time for this week's work log and progression update.
This past week we were able to squeeze in some reworking of most of the episode 6 intro scene after I decided the quality wasn't to my liking (going to send over for edits tonight) and focused mainly on the script for scene 1. There aren't enough renders for the first scene worthy of preview at the moment, but rest assured we've made a dent in progress :D
This week coming in we're looking to have the images for scene 1 finished (assuming my new work schedule treats me better than this past week) and hopefully get started on the script for the second scene. 
For more frequent updates, join the studio's discord server (link below) where I'll give updates throughout the week as things come up, and where we stand progression wise. And for those, that aren't in the discord server an announcement was made last week regarding my new work schedule and the status of current patron subscriptions.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure you want to get on with your wonderful lives, so I won't make this any longer than it has to be, I hope everyone has a great week coming in and stay safe! :)
Studio's Discord Server (Join for updates, giveaways, and more!): 
Promises S1 Ep6 v0.25a Production:
Writing/Script: 15% Complete [2/11 Scenes] (Including Intro)
Images/Animations: 9% Complete [1/11 Scenes] (Including Intro)
Music/SFX: 0% Complete
Overall completion: 8% Complete