A Little Help From Your Friends

"The Umbrella Corporation's secret laboratory was truly a menagerie of exotic experiments, including those of a sexual nature. What perversions were they concocting here? It was Jill Valentine who discovered the glory-hole room first. Chris heard her radio for backup, but couldn't make sense of why she sounded cheerful and asked only for Claire and Ada.   

Chris sat twiddling his thumbs for the next 45 minutes."

Animation by Beowulf, sound by Volkor, and voiceacting by Mizz Peachy.

I'm a huge fan of female POV in VR. I don't think there's nearly enough of it, and lament that I can't create it myself. I have the vision, but not the speed as an animator. Due to my time being spent on other things, that means I can't bring my ideas to life in the way I would like. Thankfully, Beowulf is a phenomenal animator as well as a massive fan of the Resident Evil series (as am I) who brings us plenty of works from that universe. 

I currently have some ideas for bringing more female point of view content to life, and will update all of you as these come to light.
