Visual Novel Clothing R&D

I've been doing a deeper dive into my visual novel characters' backstories, motivations, lifestyles, and favorite activities. As I'm learning more about these critters, I've been discovering what kind of apparel they like~!

Personally, I've never had great fashion sense, so it's been good to do some immersive study on different types of clothing, materials, terminology and more. I still have a crazy amount to learn, but I'm finally starting to see how valuable clothing can be in character design, art aesthetic, and storytelling!

Below are some of my notes on the lead floofs who'll be in the visual novel. (Plus Zach who will appear in a later chapter.)

An incomplete list of wearables to consider for any character:
  • tops (overshirts, undershirts)
  • bottoms (pants, skirts)
  • undergarments (boxers, bras, panties, hose, lingerie)
  • dresses and other one-pieces
  • belts
  • shoes (slippers, sneakers, flipflops, high heels)
  • socks
  • swimwear (trunks, one-piece, bikini)
  • extras (hats, glasses, scarves, vest)
  • jewelry and bling
  • seasonal (warm and cold weather variations)
  • casual, party, and formal looks
  • accessories (purses and handbags, backpacks)
  • hairstyles
  • tattoos
  • makeup

Character specific notes

Sophisticated, fashionable, picky.
Likes to stay warm, and feel safe and snug.

Prefers material textures to printed patterns.
Likes using layers for extra variety.
Tends to be mostly modest with clean lines, no short skirts or flaunting her body.
Doesn't like frills and hanging tassels. Likes being in control of clothing movement.
Does NOT want to look like mom.

Sweat/sport clothes are her favorite.
Thigh boots and high heels are ideal.
Scarves rock. Hats rarely, except if they complement her outfit. Might catch her layering up with a vest.
Occasional well placed designer jewelry, especially if it complements the clothing.

Will change clothes as often as she can to find just the right mood.
Secret: likes to model lingerie in private.

Light and airy with a touch of sexy and playful.
Enjoys feeling free, with sun and wind flowing across her body.

Prefers pretty prints and cutesy patterns to material textures. Message shirts are FUN.
One or two piece is fine, not a ton of layers. No preppy anything.
Likes to show off and tease with her body. Sheer fabric is fun, so is bare neck, arms and legs.
Likes keeping it loose and swishing fabric around to flow with the breeze.
Likes to experiment with new styles and clothing. Has occasional tomboy, skater, punk, goth preferences.

Dresses and denim bottoms are the best! Usually the shorter the better.
Barefoot, flip flops and sneakers are great. High heels SUCK. High silk stockings are awesome.
Hats often, hoodies are cool. Some well placed bows are a plus. Sunglasses are snazzy and useful.
Likes bling for fun or meaning.

Sometimes she dresses older and sometimes she dresses younger.
Some days she likes to shake it up and dress in a hybrid of Cailey's prefs and her own prefs.
Secret: will skip the bra/panties and "go commando" if she can get away with it.

Practical minded, prioritizes function. Is never overdressed.
Likes bare arms and covered legs. Avoids shorts and okay with tees and tank tops.

Likes solid earth tones, camo, message shirts, and simple patterns. Thick materials and durable textures are best.
Often layers up, perhaps for emotional security.
Dresses protectively in general, but will lighten up around people he knows.
Too loose and too tight are both a problem - somewhere in between is best.
Picks all his own styles, but tries to match what he sees others wearing so he doesn't look shabby.

Usually picks a T-shirt or tank top, and durable jeans or cargo pants. Survival and outdoor clothes are welcomed.
Trail shoes, work boots and sneakers are okay. Doesn't mind taking an extra minute to lace up.
Wears hats when practical. Hoodie or jacket with pockets in any weather that's cool enough.
No bling at all. It might reflect in the dark, get lost, or catch on things.

Secret: likes it when friends admire his physique, and will sometimes pick the tank top on purpose to show some upper arm.

Casual and practical, prioritizes feel-good clothes. Likes to look sharp, but never overdressed.
Likes leaving his arms and lower legs uncovered in moderation. Prefers shorts to slacks.

Likes solid colors and simple patterns, with some texture variety.
Is indifferent about wearing multiple layers.
Is indifferent about clothing coverage. Prefers less coverage when flirting with ladyfriends.
Loose is better than tight, but anything goes.
Enjoys relaxed, easygoing styles. Will gladly take Cailey's advice on fashionable clothes.

Shorts and a comfy T-shirt are standard wear.
Socks and shoes are fine. Prefers easy laces.
Hats are fine if it's sunny out. Hoodies are nice in the fall and winter. Sunglasses are a must on sunny days.
Not interested in jewelry, except if it has important personal meaning.

Secret: likes dressing and undressing in blankets and wrapped towels.

A bit of a slob, is usually underdressed. Doesn't care if people disapprove.
Likes making a statement with his body.

Likes leather, brown and black, and occasional bright white or bold color pops. Mostly heavy, thick materials.
Doesn't wear many layers and often skips traditional layers, like wearing a vest without a shirt.
Shows whatever he feels like showing, which is often a bit too much.
Prefers what clothes he has on to be tighter than looser.
Charts his own style, and nobody can change it.

Dayclothes are casual shorts and a shabby tank top or dark image shirt. Jeans are sometimes okay.
Sneakers or goth boots suit him well.
Could wear leather vests, bullet belts, lots of straps. Maybe a headband but no hats.
Appreciates bling like chains, necklaces, spikes, and chokers.

Might wear the same clothes for days at a time. Will wear whatever's on hand when he's in a hurry.
Cailey would say his (lack of) style sense is a bad influence on April.
Secret: dresses dangerously to help imply how dangerous he can be in bed.