Update 12: The work, the work!

So most of you know right now the plan is to return now to the story beats of A414 and see what's up with him over at Orogenix.

As it stands right now I'm in scene building for this as I need to plan and flesh out 3 unique areas for the episode to take place in, this stuff takes a lot of time, I am not a fast modeller, and I've been taking some time off after the last production was released as well so: I've got most of one area done and hoping to be in a position to start some animation at the beginning of next week.

To those new subs that have joined after seeing the Mercy anin, welcome! I hope you enjoyed it, and hope I can convince you to stick around and help support the production of more exciting content.

As far as things go in the future, it's becoming more obvious that as a one person crew I can't really keep going from long production to long production back to back and sustain it without risking some burnout at some point, so I've been having a think about what to do about that.

I've no concrete plans for this, but I'm thinking of adopting something of a tic-toc method, so between the longer productions, looking into something shorter that I can relax a little into, give myself time to recharge, and at the same time providing some additional content for you guys.

Short (at least by my standards) meaning 1-3 minute presentations, might just be a quick machine milking by Aimee, dropping into a forced orgasm by Sana, a forced orgasm OF Sana, BY AIMEE? Maybe.... but they haven't met yet. Maybe just one of the other overwatch girls?

Anyway, mostly spit balling on that one, I close with a totally out of context way too close shot of an element from the next production for you all to speculate on.