Big Dick, Smallville, Chapter 8: The Web
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I decided to check out Chloe's website. I mean, it was supposed to be about weird stuff that happened in town, and with Jodi and Caroline and Coach and the guy at the Luthorcorp plant, I was having to deal with those weird things happening seemingly every day. So, I decided to check out what Chloe had put together, rather than bumbling around like an idiot.

The website itself was surprisingly crisp. I expected something bursting out of the '90s, but it was just text with a few images, links to news articles, yadda yadda. There wasn't any tagging or sorting, though, so you basically just looked through a page of a bunch of different hyperlinks to other pages and short titles and descriptions, then hopped on down. They were ordered chronologically, rather than by subject matter, which also didn't exactly improve the convenience factor.

I took a look at the most recent few articles: weird shapes in the sky, a mystifying robbery case involving somebody seemingly teleporting out of a locked room, and large, organic spiderwebs found stuck to the sides of several of the taller buildings in the business district.

Given how many articles there were there, I had held a vague expectation that Smallville was holding some crazy secrets. I mean, I'd already seen a pyrokinetic, a shapeshifter, a guy who had epileptic fits that could threaten to bring down a building, and a girl whose jaw could unhinge, just this school year alone. And the school year hadn't been going on that long. But if this was the most she could get... I mean, come on. UFOs are just literally anything people see, people break out of impossible situations constantly (see: magicians), and somebody spraying silly string across the side of a building proves literally nothing.

Still... even if it was ninety percent bullshit... I added it to my RSS feed reader, just in case there was anything actually important that came up down the line.

Then I called up Blair. She was a tatted up 'bad girl' (to the extent a place like Smallville had them), and while generally I would have preferred she not cover herself in tattoos, well - she worked it well enough. She mostly did weed and E, the latter of which was always fun to fuck a girl who was high on. (I'd tried it myself, but it didn't do anything to me.) Plus, she was always down for anal, and I was in the mood for it.

Anyway, I doubted her boyfriend would try to stab me again, after how it went for him last time.

* * *

Mmm. What to do today? Or, really, who to do. Blair had been fun last night, but now I was thinking a threesome would probably be nice. Savannah and Vanessa, maybe? We'd done that before. Or somebody new? With as many girls as I fucked, it'd take a spreadsheet to go through all the possible combinations. Funny a concept as that is, I'm actually not a gigantic nerd who does that kind of thing, so I was left to try to do it manually in my head. Richelle, Jodi, Savannah, Vanessa, Blair, Chloe, Tina, Moira, Caroline, Thea...

"Hey, Big Dick," Chloe said, interrupting my thoughts. I had been putting stuff into my locker, and I just turned to her. It was weird that she approached me, to be honest. Maybe some annoyance showed on my face, because she shrunk a little. "Sorry. Bad time?"

"No." There was an awkward silence, and I decided to be nice and fill it. "I checked out your website. Kinda interesting."

"Oh? How much did you read?"

"Just the few most recent articles. Seemed a bit, uh... low threshold for inclusion, if you know what I mean." She frowned at that. "Nothing wrong with that, better too much than too little, but you really think some kids spraying silly string on a few buildings is some magic meteor stuff?"

"Yes?" Chloe countered. "Duh? Where do you think you got your," she gestured to me, "you?"

"I'm not saying they can't do anything, I'm saying that you're including what's pretty unlikely to be magic."

"Well. It wasn't silly string," she countered. "It was organic. Similar tensile strength to steel, just like normal spider silk, but way, way thicker. That was in the article I linked."

"Could have posted that on your site. Anyway, sometimes cops make misidentifications, as they are morons. They also let Coach get free to come try to murder me." This was turning into an argument, and there wasn't much point in arguing with pretty girls. "Anyway, wanted to talk to you about something," I said, and she perked up. "Would you be down for a threesome?"

The way she bit her lip, her heartbeat accelerating, her cheeks growing slightly flush, the answer was 'fuck yes, but I don't want to admit it.' I just hoped she wasn't confused and thinking I was suggesting a second dick in the room. I wasn't against it on any kind of moral principle, but, I wanted girls to have their attention entirely on me when I was fucking it. "Uh... actually... I was thinking... could I watch?"

"Watch?" I asked. "Oh. Like with Savannah." Chloe glanced around desperately, as if terribly worried somebody overheard. Don't see why you should be a voyeur if you're terrified of getting caught. Seems like a real robber-robbed situation. Don't dish out what you can't take. "Sure." I took out my phone, texting Savannah.

Dick: Hey, you up for Chloe watching you fuck and suck?
Savannah: Sullivan?
Savannah: Maybe another day, sorry
Savannah: Got a ton of homework.
Dick: It's cool. Some other time.

I paused for a moment, considering girls in my contact list, and I suddenly got a text from Richelle. A glance around showed she was sitting in her next class, busily texting as she waited for the class to actually start.

Richelle: Can we do it again, Dick?
Richelle: I'll suck you so good.
Richelle: We can even do some really fun and wild stuff
Richelle: You into bondage?

Well... she was a church girl, and she was offering wild stuff, so...

Dick: Wondering if you can fuck me while another girl watches, actually
Dick: If you're really into 'wild' stuff, anyway.
Richelle: Okay!

The last text took a few seconds longer, and I could see the momentary consideration on Richelle's face, even through a couple walls, before she seemed to convince herself to go for it with gusto. "Right," I said, looking over at Chloe. "Got something set up. Just have to pick a time that works for all of us. After school?" I suggested, texting without even looking.

* * *

Chloe was surprised to see Dick's bedroom. She didn't know what she quite expected. Weights? Cheesy pinup posters? Sports memorabilia? It was mostly just clean. A bed, a desk, a chair, a few water bottles on the desk, some of which were empty, some of which weren't. A notebook or three. Phone charger. Then just dressers of clothes, and a clothes hamper in the closet with dirty clothes in it. It was clean, which was also a big surprise for a guy's room. She'd assumed they were all messes.

She was... less surprised? More surprised? Weirded out? When Richelle started stripping the second they were in Dick's bedroom. She hadn't said one word to Chloe before she started to strip a manic look in her eyes as she stared at Dick. Well... he was really fucking huge, Chloe had to admit. She could understand wanting to make a good impression. It's not like she wasn't wearing a push-up bra herself, as embarrassing as that was to admit to.

"How do you want me, Dick?" Richelle asked, her voice breathless as she spoke, her eyes wild. Sheesh. You'd think the girl was a starving woman in the desert, for how she responded when Dick started to pull off his shirt. Not that Chloe wasn't sneaking plenty of peeks herself, at that toned, buff stomach and upper body of his.

"Let's start with a blowjob," he said, taking off his pants too and just sitting down on the edge of the bed, his big, throbbing, massive thing pointing up towards the ceiling. It was so huge. Bigger, even, than the stuff she'd seen in porn. Richelle didn't hesitate. She just slammed down to her knees and sucked his whole cock into her throat, swelling with his thick cock as she took him to the base in a moment. She lightly gagged and slobbered, drool running out of her mouth as she started to desperately worked her way down his entire cock, soon getting the whole thing in her throat, only gently spasming as she held herself down there.

"Damn, babe," he said, running his fingers through her black hair. "You're sucking me good." She smiled at that, letting out a loud hum of approval, like hearing she was a good cocksucker was the hottest thing ever.

To Chloe, though... the scene was incredibly hot. She was standing here, just watching how a woman serviced Big Dick's big dick. How Richelle manically ground herself into his base, staring up at him with eyes that pleaded for approval, as if to declare that, yes, she did like this! She did want this! Please keep going, please keep treating her like this, please keep using her mouth and throat for your own personal lusts, Dick! Chloe could almost imagine the girl offering those manic words, as she wetly sucked and slurped more and more saliva dribbling out over her lower lip as she worked over that cock, twisting her head from side to side.

Chloe felt a heat growing between her thighs, as she watched the scene. She managed to draw her eyes away from Dick's cock, to look up at his eyes, which were focused on Richelle, his fingers softly running through her hair. He looked loving. Doting. It wasn't just kindness, though, there was also power and strength, but that masculine perfection was put to use, here, simply to keep Richelle on her knees.

It was hot. It was unbearably hot. Looking at pictures of Dick's cock couldn't compare to seeing how he was with a woman. It was like he - he had this sense, this understanding, that women would love sucking his cock and thank him for the privilege. Richelle was by this point noisily masturbating, just slamming her fingers in and out of her pussy as her juices dribbled out in copious quantities. The confidence he exuded as he got blown like that was insanely hot, and Chloe was squirming in place.

"You can touch yourself, if you want, Chloe," Dick said, giving her the most casual glance before turning his attention back to Richelle. Richelle let out some mewling noise that was probably meant to tell him that she didn't like that he had looked away from her, but Chloe didn't care. She was caught in the question of whether to touch herself, to the sight of the shy, awkward girl Richelle gurgling around Dick's big, fat cock.

The question soon resolved itself, without much involvement of her conscious mind. She wriggled her way out of her tight shorts and stuffed two fingers into her panties, starting to roll them around her clit, to stimulate the sensitive little nub as she bit her lip and watched the scene in front of her. Richelle just focused on Dick, staring up at him, her eyes halfway rolled up, saliva dribbling out over her lower lip as she slobbered and masturbated, and Chloe watched as the girl actually came like that, hips bucking, her butt bouncing forward and back forcefully as pleasure rushed through her from mistreating herself like that.

Of course, Chloe's attention returned back to Dick's face almost immediately, drinking in his muscular body only with the periphery of her vision. Her main focus was on his expression, as she squirmed and played with herself. With the way he looked down at Richelle, like he could just... do whatever he wanted with and to her, like she was his to please, or be pleased by, at his will. The way he looked down at her like it was just assumed that she wanted to suck his dick (which, in fairness, it definitely seemed like she did), it was so... nng, the power, the masculinity, the confidence, it was so hot. She liked that Dick was so confident.

"Mind if I fuck your face, babe?" Dick asked Richelle, which was so hot. There was a casualness to his tone, a way that he spoke as if it was basically assumed Richelle wouldn't mind if he fucked her face. Especially with how he was right, Richelle rapidly shaking her head, Dick taking a clump of her hair and starting to just pound her face up and down his cock, wet slapping noises as his balls repeatedly hit her chin. Every thrust of his cock speared all the way down that slender throat of the girl's, and her eyes rolled up as she played with herself, as she allowed herself to be used.

Chloe's breathing got more ragged with each passing second, her eyes going wild with lust as she just stared at the scene. Richelle gurgled and moaned and mewled around his fat cock, her eyes rolling up in ecstasy as she just salivated continuously around his length, saliva splashing down onto her chin, onto Dick's groin, really just all over the place. She was masturbating like a wild woman, slamming her hand into her cunt as she lost herself in the moment.

When Richelle would actually come, moaning even as the noise was repeatedly cut off by the fat cock in her throat, Dick would turn his gaze over to Chloe, grinning faintly at her as he admired her body. His eyes looked at her like he could see through her, see through her clothes, see her naked body right then and there, and her cheeks glowed under his gaze. She found herself, increasingly, wishing she could get down on her knees and replace Richelle, that she could be the one losing herself beneath Big Dick's domination, that she could be the one servicing him with hungry mouth and greedy tongue.

Then Dick ended the spell, peeling Richelle up off his cock, the girl's tongue waggling desperately at the air, suggestive, pleading, plaintive, as if silently asking if she could please get some of that yummy, tasty cum of his all over her mouth and face. Dick decided to give her exactly that, mushing her forward so just the tip of his cock was past her lips, and he groaned as he blatantly ejaculated, hot cum splattering all over the inside of the girl's mouth. Chloe came to the scene, to the sight, to the look on Dick's face, still in control as he stared down at Richelle, not losing himself even for a moment. So powerful. So disciplined. So manly.

When Dick was finally finished coming in Richelle's mouth, he popped out, and the girl smugly swilled his cum, looking over at Chloe with a look that exuded an absurd amount of confidence that, honestly, didn't make a whole lot of sense. Sure, Chloe also liked sex with Dick, but she was here to watch. She was enjoying watching. Her only regret was that she hadn't gotten permission to record the whole thing. She would have just video taped Dick's face as he fucked Richelle's mouth, but it would have been hot as hell, something to jill off to over and over again in the future.

"I wanna fuck your pussy," Dick said to Richelle, who nodded rapidly, scrambling up onto the bed, getting on her back and spreading her legs wide. Dick just clambered up on top of her, pointing that fat cock of his directly at Richelle's cunt. Again, he spoke like it was obvious that she'd do what he said, moved like it was obvious, this casual certainty and control that was so fucking hot. He thrust inside of Richelle a moment later, making the girl squeak as he filled her up, grabbing a tangle of her hair, forcing her lips up into his chest, making her just kiss at his pecks.

Again, the horny girl turned her gaze over towards Chloe, giving her this ridiculously smug look out of the corner of her eye, that frankly, didn't make any sense at all. It was so weird. Dick didn't seem to care, though, just treating it like an expected, normal part of a threesome, that the two girls would get involved in some weird status game - that was really hot. The thought that he had girls fighting over his dick. Chloe didn't want to be a girl fighting over his dick, but she could imagine it in her head, Richelle and Savannah both on their knees, pushing and shoving to get more of his fat cock into their mouths, competing to please him, so that he would fuck them first...

She came again at that point. Dick's presence in this moment made it so much better, so much more. She could hardly compare what happened when she masturbated alone to - to this, this perfect experience, this raw feeling of being in the presence of so much confidence, so much self-assuredness. Alpha male. This is what that term was invented to describe, the man right in front of her. Her hips bucked as she was forced to steady herself against the wall, her eyes still focused on Dick's face, the way that even as he rutted inside a girl, there was still this quiet calm. There was no anxiety in him, no question of if he would make the girl come, of if he could manage to hold out for one more minute. He would make the girl come, he would make it last as long as he liked, and that confidence made Chloe's thoughts bubble over into raw lust, anything more sensible crushed beneath them.

* * *

I pounded away at Richelle's tight pussy, just going at it rough and hard like I knew she liked. The girl herself was licking hungrily at my bare chest, tongue slithering across my pecs, and occasionally glancing over at Chloe to give her some stupid smug look. I didn't really know, or care, about the whys of that. It was harmless, and getting Richelle off, so she could go ahead and sneer at Chloe for all I cared. It just made her easier to please, which I did, pounding inside her nice and hard, enjoying that tight, formerly-virginal pussy as it squeezed and spasmed on my cock.

I decided to reward her for all her hard work, mashing my lips against hers hungrily, pushing my tongue into her mouth. She made a quiet squeak of delight, tongue lashing right back at mine, eyes wild for a moment before she glanced over at Chloe again. Given Richelle's distraction, I figured I could spare a glance that way. The geeky blonde was currently masturbating desperately, one hand in between her thighs, the other bunching up a chunk of her shirt absently. Her teeth dug into her lower lip as she watched the show, her eyes not on Richelle, not on my cock in the girl under me, but on my face. As if I was the hottest thing she'd ever seen.

That made my dick twitch inside Richelle, and for a moment I was worried I was going to nut, going so far as to pull out of her pussy and start to pump at her thighs instead, holding them together around my dick as I leered down at her. "Fuck my pussy, Dick, come in me, come in me, Dick, you can do it, you can make me pregnant, I don't mind ruining my life if it's for you," the girl in question said, her voice desperate and energetic. It sounded almost like she meant it.

I decided to ignore it, though. Plenty of girls got off on the forbidden idea of getting pregnant, after all, and I never came in any of them. After a half-minute of fucking her thighs, I was ready to take the plunge back into her pussy, and she squeezed down on my dick, mewling and squirming in pleasure, her legs locking around my waist, acting like she could possibly keep me inside her with her skinny little legs alone. "Yes, yes, fuck me, fuck my pussy, Dick, yesss!" She squealed desperately, hands clawing at my backside as she did, eyes rolling up in pleasure as she came all over again.

Richelle definitely had the upside that she was easy to please. All she wanted was raw force and speed, and I had plenty of that to give her, making her come several more times until she was just a mess of splayed limbs on the bed under me, sweat-slick and panting, her lips parted as she gasped for air. At that point, I finally popped out of her pussy, fucked her thighs for a quick few thrusts, and then came all over her stomach, making her let out a disappointed sigh.

I really hoped she was on the pill. I might have to note her as 'crazy' if she wasn't, which I didn't want to do. She was pretty damn good in bed, even if her face and body weren't anything much to look at. I got up and off the bed, stepping over to Chloe, putting one hand on the wall next to her head, my cock twitching and pointing at her stomach. "Enjoy watching?" I asked her, and she nodded quickly, this cute little thing.

She opened her mouth, and to my surprise, the words that came out weren't, 'fuck me.' Ninety nine times out of a hundred, a girl in this situation would say exactly that. Instead, Chloe said, "Can- can I record this next time?"

"Nah," I said. "The girl has to be cool with it. You got any female friends who trust you enough to go along with it?" She bit her lip, then shook her head no. "Then make one," I told her, kissing her on the lips. "Richelle's kinda geeky, like you. Reads a bunch of manga and comics."

"I'm not... that kind of geek..." Chloe said, a shockingly meek defense. "I mean, I'm into journalism, not that stuff."

I shrugged. "You'd know better than me who the local hot female journalists are," I told her, taking a step back, letting her gaze wander down my body to my cock. She gulped as she saw it, realizing it was still hard, ready for her to do whatever she felt like to it. Her free hand, the one that wasn't (still) masturbating, reached forward for it, starting to stroke it, just jerking me off. She bit her lip as she looked up at me, asking if she was doing it good.

I mean, she was doing fine, but it was a handjob. If I needed a handjob, I could do it myself. I have my own hands, and I have jerked off before (not in a long while, though). "A handjob isn't going to get me off, Chloe." She paused at that, her gaze going down to my cock again. I wondered what she'd pick. She'd seemed more excited to watch Richelle sucking my dick, so maybe she had an oral fixation, or maybe it was just that blowjobs looked better than vaginal (definitely, when I watched porn while fucking a girl, I preferred it to be a blowjob scene).

Turns out I was at least partly right, because - still masturbating, by the way - she knelt down in front of my cock, starting to just tenderly kiss the tip, then starting to suck on the first few inches of my dick, jerking off the rest of it. She stared up at me, her eyes locked on mine, like my face was the sexiest thing she had seen in her entire life. I have to admit, the feeling was kind of mutual: where Richelle was manic, Chloe seemed almost hypnotized, entranced. It was like the watching my face was sexier than the sex itself.

I wasn't gonna complain, though. If a girl liked my pecs or my face more than my dick, that was all good - as long as she put out, which Chloe was definitely doing, as she bobbed up and down the top couple inches of my cock, her tongue flicking and licking at my dick. I just sighed, running my fingers through her hair. "That's good, Chloe. You're doing good." I kept petting her, reassuring her of the quality of her work, licking my lips as I admired her down there. She kept on masturbating, even seeming to intensify it when I licked my lips.

Obviously, I wasn't going to come any time soon. I was taking my time, just enjoying as she sucked me off like that, her eyes locked on mine. From time to time, she'd try to take it deeper than she had already, but her gag reflex would act up and cause problems, making her sputter and pull back, tears starting to form, sclera turning pink, a look in her eyes that said 'sorry.' I met it with, "Just do what you can, Chloe," and she'd nod rapidly before getting right back into it.

It was probably ten minutes into Chloe's long, exaggerated blowjob that Richelle stumbled out of bed to look at the scene. "I can take it all the way, Dick," she said, plastering her naked body to my side, rubbing her petite breasts into my flank. "All the way to the base," she whispered. "I practiced after I failed to get it that time, on toys, you're so big it was hard to find one that I could really practice on, but I did it, I learned to suck your big, hard cock. Chloe can't, though, so why don't you let me instead? She doesn't really need to be here any more."

"Chill, Richelle," I said, giving Chloe a head pat to reassure her things were fine. "Different girls are different. That's what makes them nice."

Richelle's lips squirmed, she looked down at Chloe, and then she just let out an angry huff, grabbing her clothes and getting dressed. "Fine. Whatever. When you want a woman who really cares about making you feel good, you have my number." I also had Savannah's, Chloe's, Tina's, Jodi's- well, I didn't say that out loud.

"It's fine. Just won't do threesomes with you if it bothers you, Richelle," I told her.

"Oh, Dick," she said. "I was thinking, could you call me Dixie? Since it's also a 'Rich' name, it should have a nickname like Dick, but that doesn't sound very girly. So, Dixie," she explained, with a bright smile.

"Sure. Babe. Dixie. See you later, yeah?"

"Whenever you want," Richelle said, glancing down at Chloe, who was still nervously sucking me off through the whole thing. If anything, she seemed to be getting more off on it, now that I was barely paying attention to her. Damn. The perfect cocksucker - one you didn't have to pay attention to to get off. Richelle stroked her throat as if to remind me one last time she could deepthroat me, then left.

"Don't worry, Chloe," I told her. "Everybody learns at a different pace. Just suck my cock like that, I'll come soon enough," I told her. She nodded, though she did up her pace a bit, now that my attention was back on her, bobbing over the first few inches she could actually take with more intensity.

* * *

Richelle quietly fumed all the way home, finally getting back to her bedroom and flopping on her bed. Gah! She punched the bed a few times. She should never have agreed to a threesome! She wanted to tell Dick all about her cool new superpowers. She was basically Spider-Woman! Compared to that, Chloe's weak-ass blowjob skills were nothing! But Chloe was a huge gossip hound, so she couldn't exactly tell Dick about her superpowers right in front of her... Richelle sighed, lying down on her bed and just letting herself catch her breath for a long few seconds.

She'd figure out how to break the news to Dick, then he'd realize that there was no reason to bother with other, worse girls. Not when he could have a literal superhero as his girlfriend!

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