Quick update and future plans

Hey everyone,

First of all we are extremely thankful for your persistent support despite our lack of updates in the past few months. The events in Ukraine has disturbed our workflow quite a bit, especially Arbuz's who lives there. Your donations alleviate a big chunk of worries for us.

The Price for Freedom Comic will probably stay in hiatus until things calm down in Ukraine, Arbuz lacking motivation for it. He is instead drawing the more casual Hell Comic we are now posting, to decompress (will be published for free once finished).

However we recovered a somewhat normal workflow now. The long delayed build 23 aka "Osh'to update" is mostly finished and only missing some polish, will be released in a few days.

Afterward, we plan to release a new build every month, with a small update interlaced between a bigger one:

  • June: Nailah pole dance.
  • July: Aya and Dee quest.
  • August: Katie pole dance.
  • September: Main quest with a horny demon.
  • October: Terry pole dance.
  • November: Companion update.

Of course this is assuming things don't get too much worse in Ukraine. Each update will include incremental improvements to the gameplay and combat system.

Anyway, thank you for bearing with us!