Degeneracy update NSFW

Honk honk!

I don't have covid anymore! But now I'm exploited to babysit kids again.

Now that I'm healthy again, I am going forward on the process of getting my car ready to escape my current place.

About chapter 39B: I need to iron out the scene beats and Lorely's corruption (Slade's skill) in a progressive ramp up. I also need to write the closing scene where Lorely and Violet are left in the "breeding chamber" (which is actually the Pillar of Eyes' hall)

Previously, I said that I didn't like working on the story while I keep getting interrupted so I would draw some degenerate set scenes. Here are new sketches :

This mermaid is an oceanid from the Cove faction. She's a stranded pirate from an airship that crashed in the mountain. She got caught by slavers in a town in Grimwoods. She can float on land.

Enchanters fight by boosting the spirits bound in artifact equipments. They can also manifest spirits bound to ancestral songs. In large scale battles, they use musical instrument only for support. In small group fights, they only sing while using any weapon that needs reloading crossbows, guns, runelock (magic gun).

This dwarf is from Rempart faction. They aren't as excellent as Factory's engineer with robots. Instead they're good with all weapons, so they often become weapon merchants. Hekalys' demand for weaponry is so high that any dwarf becomes filthy rich. They also often become bankers.

Dwarven treasuries are the favorite place for everyone to raid. Those facilities help the economic growth of Rempart towns.

The species of humanoid-spider are civilians from Necropolis faction. (The Namtaru is apparently units in HoMM 6/7) They can live in forests, but they're considered as pest in Rempart because they tend to catch too much prey while having little predators. Passing through a forest filled with their web is damn bother, as getting caught results in severe time loss or death.

A group of spider girls hang in Grimwood serving a roaming necromancer for hire. Thanks to them, Holloweye will be well supplied in fashionable clothes and sexy lingerie.

Violet's primary mode of transportation once Slade is grown: The bouncing slime couch. She's always within Slade's reach to get molested. Since it's basically a walking bed, she's always ready to spread her legs for a passing-by human-Slade.

I still have plenty of degenerate ideas to go through but that's all I have for now x_x...

Have a nice day, see you soon!
