Update 11: Streams? The hell?

Those paying attention to the discord and on twitter have noticed I did a couple random streams the last couple of days.

The current project has been going on longer then I'd expected, and although I'm closing in on the final few hurdles, motivation has flagged on a couple of occasions.

I found streaming the process to be very motivating! It stopped me starting off into space every few minutes when faced with a long stretch of something repetitive.

So I think I'll do a few more of them, check out my page and follow me over on Picarto to be alerted when I go live.

I think that, for smaller projects like these I'll be able to do streams on, but for spoiler reasons a lot of the mainline content isn't something I'm likely to want to stream.

I did fairly recently pick up a tablet, and I'm having to work on a bigger desk for it to be actually regularly usable, but I picked up zbrush so I'm gonna be messing around with that, so that might fill the streaming space on occasion, once I get competent enough with it so I'm not spitting out quite as much of an abomination as what my fingers currently craft.

I'm hoping that will allow me a bit more creative space to sketch ideas out into a usable format and help me break the mould when it comes to thinking up fantastical devices to use on people.

I'm personally really excited to get started on EP5 cause I want to explore the core narrative more, and get back to A414 and all the things we do to his junk.

Something is occurring to me though, there's a lot of story to get through, and as much as it's nice to have the next *checks notes* 3 to 4 years of content more or less fleshed out, it can't be much fun waiting several months for snippets of the story or just fun little bits of animation.

Cause until I go full time, it's just gonna take a while, I am just 1 guy, and whereas I pile as much time into this as I can, there's only so many hours in the day!

So, considering AIMEE herself has about 6 pages of backstory to get through, The idea that my colleague has been bashing over my head repetitively for the last couple of years is comics with animated segments.

So these might show bits of AIMEE earlier in her development, the story of how she became what she is, the friends and enemies she made along the way... other things featuring other people from other factions and organisations that I can't say anything about just yet.

Basically a lot of places for me to put out some background on the world and something that I can release more frequently, with a proportionately smaller amount of time investment.

But given I'm knee deep into this project and approaching the horizon, I'm going to keep my focus on this animation for now, and flesh out what stories to visit first, along with establishing a style for the comics.

I'm thinking stills with animated segments, that may feature... devices.... in action.

A continued thanks for all the support from all my benefactors across all platforms as usual, it's literally you guys that make this possible, and I'm eternally grateful you all help me make this world a reality.