April Update

Hello everyone! I figure I should start doing monthly updates because I'm quiet as hell otherwise. 

First off, I'd like to thank you all for helping me reach my first goal! It is much appreciated, and I'm happy for every cent you guys decide to give me. Since that goal has been reached, I can start doing "tutorial" videos. Or maybe tutorial was a bad way to put it. Would a few videos of me animating with a commentary track (to show thoughts, describe certain tricks, give tips and whatnot) be a better way of phrasing it? Not sure. If you've ever seen PlagueofGripes' "Art Gripes" series, think something like that, but with real-time commentary.

Second, I want to apologize for the lack of content. My time is being eaten alive, by interviews (the job hunt is a pain in the behind), family, and commissions. 

Third, the Coco Bandicoot animation is still getting worked on. I originally envisioned it to have as many scenes as the Miyu animation, but now I'm realizing that I'm just asking for scope creep to destroy any interest I have in that project. So, I'm limiting the amount of scenes to the opening->grinding->cowgirl->doggy/"fleshlight" position & cum scene (I'll show what I'm talking about in time.)

Fourth, I'm still working on the Lop animations as well. That project is 3/4ths done. I plan to add a subscribe star exclusive cum scene.

Anyways, that's about it for now. Just thought I'd take the time to update you guys on my projects and to say thank you for the support. I hope I don't let you all down! 

Until next time, 