Various Updates About Stuff


New Tablet

The new tablet is in and working. I initially worried about an awkward transition period, but it's easy enough to use that I should be able to keep rolling forward with the week-to-week deadlines. That Aqua picture I just uploaded is likely the last piece of old-tablet art I'm going to be uploading here. So long, old friend.

Faucet Animation

Close to finished. One more shot of shading to do, which is like, less than 40 frames of shading in total. I'm sticking to my previous estimate of a release before the end of the month. COVID may have slowed things down, but it didn't stop them completely. The next animation suggestion box will also open at the end of the month regardless.

Oh Right, COVID

I don't like talking about too much real life detail in these spaces. But the important details for curious cats are: previously vaccinated, had relatively mild symptoms, recovering as of now. It essentially removed my ability to sleep and focus for a couple of days this week.