March 28th 2022: Progress Report

Hello everyone, Rem here with this week's Progress Report. I'll be using voice to text for this week's report too.

Going to be a short report this week because this week was basically just the same as last week. There was one difference though, on Thursday I went back to physical therapy because I got scolded by people for skipping out on my physical therapy. And I honestly the Thursday session actually felt pretty good, it was painful but painful in a good way. I don't want to jump the shark, but I feel like my left hand is pretty close to 90% recovered after last Thursday's physical therapy. Still a bit tight but better. However my right hand still remains a problem and goddamn, it's been almost a month since my hands have been injured and I almost have forgotten what it feels like to have a normal working right hand at this point.

I actually really wanted to do to go to physical therapy today too but one of my family member developed a medical issue today and I've been watching and nursing them. I'm pretty worried but I'm hoping it's not going to become a big deal.

On another note, no one asked but I've actually managed to play a bit more eroge last weekend after the physical therapy with my left hand, woohoo. Also Sachinama is going to go on a break for a few days. Sachinama's last break was after Karryn's Prison was finished back in December/January, so it's a well deserved time off for a few days. Thank you Sachinama! And if you haven't realized yet, Karryn's Prison has been updated to v.1.0.5f2 on Steam, you can check out the patch notes on Steam.

With that all said, that will be this week's report. Everyone take care, stay safe, and I'll talk to you all again next week.