Short Stuff Standing

"Honoka's only 4'11". Not very tall at all, and she wants to try a new position. One that allows her to stand there and just take it. So she leans back, you lean back and settle down with bent knees... and she can barely stand. You're rocking her world. Sounds (and looks like) this will work perfect."

Thanks to Spizder for the animation and sound!

This was extremely interesting to work on, as this was a new position for VR. I've never worked on a standing position with knees bent in the past 5 years of running Dark Dreams. Kudos to Spizzy for such an innovative setup.

I had to figure out how to fix the lighting in the scene as it  wasn't set up for visibility so much as cheating on the lighting. Which makes sense! If you can save time and have a great looking animation, you're going to cheat a little. Once that was figured out, the next issue was to fix the deformation while keeping the original posing for VR. I've become a lot better at this with Blender, and due to Blender's many tools, you can't even tell where there used to be deformation.

The scaling is not off, for those who feel weird, it's just a very unique pose. She's just a very short, thick woman, and you're hunched over with your knees bent. I would love to do more like these, as it gives you a face-on, somewhat intimate view of the action while showing off everything AND allowing you to stand, albeit in a horse stance. I was actually surprised that feet weren't clipping through the floor on this. Spizzy really knocked this one out of the park!
