Closing the Club

"Helping V close the club isn't always an enjoyable experience, but it certainly is this time. The pay's not great, but the perks!"

Thanks to SaveAss for the animation, Audiodude for the sound, and Mizz Peachy for the voice!

I'm still working on perfecting  the workflow pipeline to make 8K as viable as possible. 8K is really starting to shine, especially with this scene. I don't like some of the banding that shows up in the background, but otherwise the detail is intense. In the upcoming Scarlet scene you can even read the writing on the monitor! Not that you should be while getting head from Scarlet, but hey, you do you.

The 120fps videos are pretty smooth looking, but I just keep coming back to the 8K. That extra detail is just so immersive.

I'll have one more post this week on Friday. I'll talk to you then.
