Supporter Newsletter - Jan, 2022

Hello there, and welcome to this "very special" edition of the Supporter Newsletter!
In this issue of the SN, I wanna give a quick overview of the past year's accomplishments and get real with everyone and talk about some of my personal problems that have been nagging me for ages now. As well as a look into the future.

General Updates

For the month of December I made a point to start getting my stuff together. Too long have I gone with my personal issues getting in the way of my art. I wanted to change that and so I set them aside for a bit and worked on the things I had to before the end of the year. 

About Me

As you may know, I can be very slow to make art. Because of my ADHD I keep getting side tracked every time and when I notice, an entire day has gone by without me drawing a single line. 
Not only that, it's always hard for me to post stuff, specially unfinished/WIP stuff because I always get self conscious or keep second guessing myself. This leads me to feeling pressured and overwhelmed, specially when I see all other artists posting their stuff while I'm doing nothing, and because of that I tend to get very depressed and unmotivated all the time and I go days without ever touching a WIP that I had or making new stuff. 
I try not to be like that and stay positive but it always happens over and over again. It's a vicious cycle that I really need to get it out of my life.
And the worst of it all is, I wasn't like that before. Somewhere along the way I took a very wrong turn and now here we are... Sometimes I wonder if I'm even the same person that was there, back in 2017, just happily drawing his fave 2hu Remilia and some cute demon girls. "Who even am I anymore?", "What am I even doing?" are questions that always pop up in my head and I always feel bad that I can't be the way that I truly want to be, I feel lost and lonely all the time... I just wanna be happy...

What to do?

Well, I'll do the best I can really, there's nothing else. I'm gonna keep hard at work on trying to stay positive and pushing myself through thick and thin to make stuff. I can't just ignore stuff or procrastinate just because I'm feeling down. Not anymore. If I have to go to therapy so be it. Might actually do me some good. 
And this is also where I wanna ask you to help me out. I clearly am not the best mentally at the present moment, but I wanna get better.
Call me out and/or ask me about stuff when I don't do anything for days and days. Be nice about it though, no need to say bad words or be mean, sometimes I just needed a break. Plus, it's bad enough already that I sometimes stay radio silent, but if you stay radio silent as well then things might never work out. x) 
So let's help each other! And this goes for everyone, not only patrons/fans, but all my followers on all my socials and people who appreciate my art as well.
With your feedback, I can stop thinking my art is crap and feeling so shitty all the time. As the saying goes "we're our own worst critic" and if I'm left to think about my art by myself, I'll probably never be able to leave the vicious cycle mentioned above.
Maybe this is all silly, maybe it's just a phase, maybe I should "just stop", I don't know. Whatever the case, I'm open to talk and discuss about the issues above, on DMs or comments, wherever... Or if you just wanna chat and say hi that's very welcome too. Will help me with my loneliness! (Not to say I'm relying on the internet to fill the void in my soul, no no no, never. But it could definitely help a little).

2021 Accomplishments and WIPs

Despite everything, I still accomplished a lot in 2021 and I don't wanna overlook them just because my life is a mess. lol
My art improved quite a bit, or at least I feel that way but I'm not really sure. I've been trying to find better references and study more about the things that I wanna do and to actually see some improvement to myself because of it feels nice.
I finally opened a FANBOX and a SubscribeStar last year, which are other ways for people to support me. So now you can choose whichever fits your tastes better. 
I restructured all of my tiers from my platforms in order to accommodate every type of supporter. I also reworked all my tags from Patreon and plan to do the same to the Fanbox and SubscribeStar ones, I just need some time to figure it out. 
I've also been supplying both Fanbox and Substar with my old arts that where only available on Patreon, soon everyone should be all caught up!
The ergometric bicycle I bought has been real good so far, I feel a lot better already, though I need to keep pushing to lose some weight and keep my health good. Improving my health might be a good way to build the self esteem that I so desperately need.
I also got to post at least one art on every month of 2021! So that's nice. After my long hiatus from 2019 to 2020 (almost a year long one) I thought I'd never be able to do that again for sure, but here we are! 
I'm slowly getting back on my feet. I think. If I can only fix all those issues of mine I guess I can finally do it.

Plans for the Future

That all being said, for this year, I plan to work on all those flaws of mine that I mentioned before and also try to be a more active, for real this time, with help or not. Even if it's just to post some random dumb meme or silly sketch I did. 
I wanna keep improving my art and dive into different subjects too, most of my arts so far have been only pinups or pretty ladies/boys but I oughta start working on building actual scenes and scenarios, to make things more interesting to look at. Also more spicy stuff and variety when it comes to hentai/NSFW pics.
I also wanna reach my goals (both on my platforms and my IRL/personal life goals), so that I may improve my art and myself. 
My drawing tablet is getting very old and it's not working the same as before, so buying a new (and hopefully better) one might be one of my biggest goals for this year.
Also maybe upgrade my PC a bit too, so it doesn't chug as hard whenever I wanna render a couple pics. x)
Buying CLIP STUDIO EX is also in my wishes for this year, hopefully I can do that, so I can finally dip into mangas/doujins/comics + maybe animations. (Not that I can't currently it's just that CSP Pro is a little limiting for this, and I'd rather not have any worries with it). I'm open to suggestions for other means though, if you have any.


I wanna give a special Thank You to those that supported me for the month of December on the tiers Red Magic and above!

Brolli DiamondBack
Danhua Mu



Thank you very very much, from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate you for enjoying my art, giving me a chance and supporting me!
For those who decide to continue being supporters, I hope you continue to enjoy your stay! Thank you very much for your continuous support! Love ya! ❤︎

And for all the tippers, thank you very much as well, I'm glad my art was okay enough to inspire you to help!

For those leaving, for whichever reasons, I hope to see you again! Thank you for your support and for at least giving me a chance, it meant a lot to me! And sorry for anything.
And also thanks to those who aren't able to support me monetarily (which is totally fine), but support me through favorites, likes, retweets, follows, and generally spreading the word around! I appreciate you a lot as well!

Well, that was all for this summary, thank you very much for reading this, if you did (I wonder if anyone actually does... Oh well I'll pretend yes...), I'm really sorry if things got too real there for a moment. Again, I just wanted to let these things out. And I hope you'll join me or continue with me on this journey of improvement, growth and self discovery!
As always, thank you very much for your support! And I hope you have a very Happy New Year! ❤︎
I wanna invite any of you that haven't joined my Discord server yet to do so, since I tend to be a lot more talkative in there than here. I like to keep this place a little more clean with only important announcements and stuff, so I leave all the small talk and thoughts to a more direct approach on the supporters-only chat! So come have fun and chill!
The invite: