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Jan 02, 2022 04:19 pm
Public post
This content was created for artistic and entertainment purposes FOR ADULTS ONLY and may include pictures and materials that some viewers may find offensive. If you are under the age of 18, if such material offends you or if it is illegal to view such material in your community please exit the page IMMEDIATELY. All depicted characters are fictional. No live victims were produced during this content creation and no harm was imposed upon any live creature. All characters depicted in sexual situations are 18 years of age or older and of the age of consent, even if it looks otherwise. Acts depicted are all consensual.
Update 7: A new year, and one in review.
OK so, I'm not really one for the 'happy new year' and 'happy holiday's' type so, hence why I didn't put AIMEE in a Santa hat for a stupid in season render.
It's not at all because I started the project too late and got frustrated with the results and abandoned it and played the Witcher 3 again.
It is something of a milestone for me though, It marks about a year since I started this project, not since my debut of course, but since I started actively working towards this project as a whole.
But the actual kindling of the idea of these milking machine videos actually goes as far back as 2018
I thought it might be interesting to you all to see where it all started and the ideas I played with which led us to where we are today.
All of these pictures were taken in the heavily WIP stage so, bear this in mind, but join me on an interactive museum of what my blender folder has as I blow the cobwebs out of some old files: The original ideas were simply going to be videos of the machines at work, third person views of whatever I could think of that would look good, Anything in pink is a missing texture by the way, since I didn't find and organise the files like I do nowadays there will be quite a few instances of this.I even played with some ideas for more organic looking things, tentacle monsters, but for penises. I actually have about a thousand frames from that rendered and ready, but It was boring to me, so I moved on.
Originally it was going to be using an original Futa elf model I made as part of learning blender/3d. I played around with a bunch of ideas on this, always going along that particular theme, the subject was going to be restrained, and there was going to be things attached to a penis, I liked the idea of not having a choice in the matter, besides the original consent. The original 'capsule' design This was a scene I ultimately nearly actually finished animating, but it wasn't visually interesting enough, some of the concepts are going to be things we will return to in the future however. A Milker design I worked on, the original first concept of this dated back to 2018 A lot of these I'd spend a couple months 'sketching out' and figuring out something that I thought might be interesting to see in action, but ultimately I couldn't find a decent way to fit them in, so I'd abandon the idea and shut blender down for a month of so, then I'd have a new idea to explore: This was going to be a carousel type design, with the subjects attached to a revolving cylinder, being moved into place and the machine popping out the floor to work on them. Then after some time, the first ideas started falling together into something you'd recognise from the start of the A414 series. Another milker design. I settled on the idea that it was going to be all POV and it was going to be a male (sorry futa lovers) originally that stemmed from my limited experience with model building, now I'm kind of stuck with it, but there's still opportunities to explore some of that in the future maybe.And from the side, can't forget about the balls. But this was a haphazard, compromised machine, that didn't stop me animating an entire scene:This was basically done, the bare concepts of the animation and movements of this device were the basis of what EP1 ended up being.But the idea just wasn't fleshed out enough, the table he was sat on was literally a single pane, the environment was placeholder, and I wanted to show how he ended up there. And so the table redesign project was underway. Originally the restraints were these bar things, which I thought would look OK, but it looks like it would be something that would require human intervention to put somebody into. I wanted the machines I made to be fantastic works of fiction, but also something that somebody could look at and think: this could actually exist, that could actually work. Several iterations and re-designs of the leg pieces, and the robotic arms holding up the platforms. Honestly I must have spent maybe 2-3 months working on this table asset alone, messing with different designs. The revised 'half circle' restraints and the new robot arms. The new design of robot arms, inspired in part by the KUKA robots was the next big change along with the revised restraints, I also started some texture work on the assets, in addition I took the concepts from the milker and added them to a robot arm to allow flexibility of application. I re-designed the leg/feet restraints and custom made a bulkier looking robot arm for the limbs articulation. Eventually I came to settle on the design you all will be familiar with by now, this was it, my first major asset, it looked so good in comparison to anything I'd made before, the bastard is immensely badly optimised, it's like 3 mil poly's on it's own, but I loved it and it inspired me to move on, the milker was re-designed and put onto an arm of it's own, but at this stage it was still the KUKA inspired design, which wasn't sitting right with the sharp angular design of the chair. And so the arms were redesigned, and accessories were added. The new robot arm design became a staple of the brand and I came up with the name Cirimani as the corporation who designed them.
But that corporation needed a face, and someone or... something had to control all these arms, designing AIMEE took me months, and was immensely stressful for me, I have only one WIP shot of when I was working on her, originally when I was trying to give her eyebrows: Imagine if this had made the cut. Eventually however I settled on the design and mascot we all know today, the lovable if a bit demented not-glados fleshlight wielding robotic mistress of our dreams. Our dearest AIMEE: Artificial Intelligence Managed Extraction Equipment What she needed now though was a domain, there needed to be a place where all this took place, enter the designing of the cirimani labs. My Cirimani labs asset pack Then the thought came of how to set out this encounter, I didn't really want the scene to just open straight up with the character locked in, I wanted to build the story of how this all started, so I started laying out the environment, the original designs were a little different. A bit claustrophobic maybe? During these stages I made a friend on Discord, who I think can be credited for instigating the spark that set off the entire concept of this being not just an isolated animation, but a world that we could explore.
The simple question he posed to me was:
'What would their competitors look like?'
That idea blossomed into what can only be defined as a universe, what would that look like, a universe where an incomprehensible amount of resources had been put into the collection of semen?
It might look a little something like this. The red 'arrow' is how far we're into the series so far, Purple is world background, Yellow is characters, Green are corporations and blue is episodes/story beats What is laid out here, which yes, is deliberately low resolution so as to not reveal spoilers, is basically what I consider to be 'season 1' of the A414 series, it does not include the Sana Robotic tentacle scene, or the AIMEE revisit which I'm currently working on. Plus whatever the hell this is... Anyway, A414 eventually got made, over the course of about 3-5 months I spent close to $700 on SFX packs and voice acting, months on animation revision, asset creation and toolset learning, I considered it an investment, and because I know how this series is going to play out, I was super excited and decided I had to make it, I didn't know if many people would be as excited to see it play out as me, but I had to find out, I had to see if this long format story driven porn resonated with people.
I set myself a goal: That I would have to hit my first target income (around 250 dollars/month) before I hit the end of this 'season' to consider it worthwhile continuing, the season represents, at the pace I'm working at the moment, probably at least the next year or two of mainline releases.
I've been absolutely blown away to see that number hit already a number of times already, even this early on in the production, mainly due to a generous couple of tippers (you know who you are!)
During this past year of active production I've worked with some absolutely fantastic voice talent, made some invaluable friends in the community, and most importantly, had you guys: my supporters giving their actual money to help me realise this vision.
So from the bottom of my heart: Thank you, your support is quite literally making my dream come true, I am super excited to bring you more content as this world unravels.
I like seeing that you've been at this since 2018 and had these ideas as far back as that, the table thing is OG shit aswell, do hope to see that last picture in action somehow, despite it all being PoV. Looking forward to future works from you, definitely hitting that spot for man and machines gone sexual.
One aspect I totally get into is the "initial consent but then restrained" thing.
about 3 years ago
Oh neat! I must be honest: i joined here when i saw those aimee videos because the enticing part for me was seeing an actual robot doing that stuff. The whole bit with humans is... well... not really to my tastes. Anyways, great to see you exploring new avenues. But if you find ways to bring Aimee back. Let me know.
Well she's due to return in the next episode, but that's more of a drop in. Think of this entire season as character establishment, If I just stuck to AIMEE doing the same thing over and over again it would get boring pretty quick. You're just going to have to trust me there :)
about 3 years ago
it is so great to see your personal progress and growth as you keep improving and creating exciting content. Futa can be fun, but self insert is a great charm for your content.
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I like seeing that you've been at this since 2018 and had these ideas as far back as that, the table thing is OG shit aswell, do hope to see that last picture in action somehow, despite it all being PoV.
Looking forward to future works from you, definitely hitting that spot for man and machines gone sexual.
Oh lawd, what an interesting post! Thanks for sharing all this! I'll need a bit to digest it.
One aspect I totally get into is the "initial consent but then restrained" thing.
Oh neat! I must be honest: i joined here when i saw those aimee videos because the enticing part for me was seeing an actual robot doing that stuff. The whole bit with humans is... well... not really to my tastes. Anyways, great to see you exploring new avenues. But if you find ways to bring Aimee back. Let me know.
Well she's due to return in the next episode, but that's more of a drop in.
Think of this entire season as character establishment, If I just stuck to AIMEE doing the same thing over and over again it would get boring pretty quick.
You're just going to have to trust me there :)
it is so great to see your personal progress and growth as you keep improving and creating exciting content. Futa can be fun, but self insert is a great charm for your content.
Thanks! I must ask though what you mean with 'self insert' though?